Ice Bath Challenge

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    You let out a chuckle as your favorite TV show was playing. Today you were hanging out at Mark's house, waiting for him to get done with his recording. Today, his other friends decided to come over and help. He said he was doing some sort of "Ice Bath Challenge and Face Booth." It sounded quite interesting and hilarious.
    "Okay come on Mark, it's time!" One of his friends shouted from behind the bathroom door. You shook your head, hearing Mark whine and complain as shuffling was heard. You jumped a little as he suddenly let out a scream. You looked over at the door, holding in a laugh.
   "AH! AH! AH! AH! COLD HOLY SHIT IT HURTS. OH MY TOES, OH MY TOES. THE COLD HOLY SHIT MY ASS!" You burst out laughing as you got up and hurried to the door. You quickly opened it, seeing Mark slowly being submerged in a bathtub full of ice cubes. He looked up at you, his laugh echoing in your ears.
    He squeezed his eyes tight as he settled to the bottom of the tub. His chest heaved up and down as his shivering hands held his Ipad in front of his face. His friends were laughing way too hard as he started making faces at the camera. You weaved through the many wires and camera stands around you to stand near the tub.
    "I'm fine, I'm fine. Everything is fine, holy balls. Okay, okay. You can do this Mark, you can do th-AHHHHH!" He squeaked, moving his body around the water. He breathed heavily as he laughed harder at himself.
    "It's I-it's so funny. It's so funny to s-s-stare at. Oh my god, it's so funny." He stuttered, his hands trembling. After a couple minutes, he was able to get out and made one of his other friends get in. Mark held the camera he shoved his buddy into the water.
    "No! Let me out, I can't do this! Don't let me do this! GET ME OUT!" Mark convinced his friend to get in, trying not to laugh as he lowered himself in the water. He let out a high pitched squeak as the water touched his skin. He shook his head violently as he glared into the camera.
    "YEP! IM MAKING FACES SEE!? HAHA SO FUNNY YEP HAHA HOLY SHIT ITS COLD. AH! AH! AH!" Once he got out, the last friend was forced in. This one was a little on the skinny side, which was making this challenge torturous for him. As soon as the ice hit him, he screamed like a little girl. You held your sides and giggled like a maniac as you watched the comedy unfold.
    "Oh my god, are you actually screaming?" The skinny friend nodded quickly, his hands gripping the sides of the bathtub tightly. He screamed again and again until Mark was red in the face was laughing. He climbed out quickly, letting out short breaths and rushing to a towel. Mark turned to you finally, making the smile melt off your face. You shook your head, glaring at Mark.
   "Come on (Y/N), you know you want to!"
   "It's cold! Like really cold! Why would I want to do this!? ITS TOO COLD!" You shout angrily, staring at the icy waters.
    "Because you love me! It'll be really fun, now get your ass in there!" He grabbed your waist and lifted you into the waters. You squeaked and moved around in the ice cubes, your skin freezing and goosebumps covering your body. You let out a gasp and watched the ice move over your legs. Your teeth started chattering, making the three boys howl with laughter.
    "Son of a bitch! ITS COLD. TOO DAMN COLD. HOLY HELL!" You shout, gritting your teeth and closing your eyes. You rubbed your arms, trying to get friction. You made faces at the camera as best as you could, your lips turning blue. He finally made you get out, parts of your limbs now numb.
    You trembled and hugged him, causing him to gasp from the cold. Chuckling, he placed a warm kiss on your cool forehead before heading back in. Trembling and cold, you watched Mark endure the torture again. He sat down slowly, something that he probably shouldn't have done.
    "MY BALLS! MY BALLS! YEP, MY BALLS!" He shouted, making you completely lose it. You kneeled on the ground, trying to wipe away the tears forming in your eyes. Chuckles erupted in the room as Mark tried to do his outro. You walked out of the room, your trembling hand wiping off pieces of ice stuck to your clothes. You shook your head, hearing them shout and laugh inside the bathroom.
   "BABE!? WANNA HUG!?" You spun around, seeing Mark smiling evilly at you with water dripping off of his face. He opened his arms, heading towards you. You screamed and ran away from the freezing Mark who wanted to hug you. You two spend the next minute chasing each other around, until you two finally decided to get warmed up again.
Just to let you know..Mark did end up winning the chase.

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