A Kiss in the Rain

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   You wrapped your arms around you gently, staring out into the rain that pounded the sidewalk. The wind made the trees shiver and dance, the glistening drops sprinkling themselves all over the ground. You breathed in the wonderful smell, oh how you loved rain. You could hear thunder in the distance, a few sparks of lightning lighting up the sky.
   It was in the middle of the afternoon, the storm was lasting for hours. You let the cool breeze hit your face and ruffle your hair around. You shoved your boots on and headed outside. You tugged at your sleeves, looking around at the beautifully creepy scenery.
    Fog had managed to set in, the wispy curls of mist floating all around you. You turned deeper into the woods, only going as far as the tree line before taking out your camera. You snapped a few pictures around you, taking in the piercing silence that rang in your ears.
    "It's beautiful out here today." You heard Mark whisper in your ear. You smiled and nodded, turning around to face him. He smiled down at you, running a hand through his vibrant blue hair. He had recently got it re-dyed and you absolutely loved it, blue being your favorite color.
    He snaked his arms around your waist and hoisted you up, placing a kiss on your lips. He set you down and looked around, the rain making speckles marks on his shirt. It seemed to rain harder, but you two didn't really mind. He reached over and gently pushed your glasses that had fallen down, back up your nose.
    "How about we take a walk?" Mark asked, holding his hand out. Red in the face, you intertwined your fingers with his and started walking. He let you lead while he listened to your excited chatter about the weather. You two made it to a pond where you stopped and sat down. It was getting harder to see things as you two talked about everything and anything.
    He reached over and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. He was inches from you, his smile making your heart beat faster. God, he was so perfect. You giggled shyly and let yourself lean in. His lips pressed against yours softly, slowly moving his lips with yours. He grasped your arms and pulled you into his lap.
    His arms wrapped around you as you continued to get lost in his lips. After awhile, you two pulled away for air. He peppered kisses on your face and watched you chuckle like a little girl. You two spent a couple minutes sitting there and just enjoying each other.
   "How about we go back and I show you a new game I just got? It's a horror game..." He trailed off with a smile, knowing how you would react. You cheered and shot up, pulling him up quickly and starting back home. Before you could react, he quickly pulled you towards him and crashed his lips on yours.
    It took you by surprise but left you breathless when you pulled away. He had an arm around your waist as you two walked back quickly, his blue floof bouncing slightly. He smirked at you and kissed your cheek, opening the door for you.
"Let's get our scare on!"

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