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(A/N: I love getting requests and making people happy! Thank you guys so much.
Requested by: The_Female_Jashinist

Mark decided he wanted to record a dancing video with his best bud, Jack. They were both pretty excited, but they both weren't exactly..good at dancing. Mark and Jack walked into the dance studio, ready to practice and prepare. You walked into the room, looking at the two men who were patiently waiting.
"Hello! My name is (Y/N), and I will taking care of you guys today. I already have the choreography ready to show you! Then I will teach!" They both nodded as you got in position and played the music. It was a dubstep version of Markiplier's song, along with some other upbeat music to mix it up a little.
Mark nodded along to the beat while Jack jammed out to the beat drops. You chuckled as you started showing them the moves, both of them watching intently. You caught the green haired Guy's eyes and blushed, concentrating on the dance.
You finished In a couple minutes, hearing them start to clap for you. You bowed and thanked them, both of them standing behind you now. You were amused at their choice of clothing for this practice. Mark had on spandex shorts with a pink mustache on the thigh, and a pink and black crop top.
Jack had on sweatpants and a muscle shirt, making fun of Mark's appearance. Mark just waved him off and complimented himself by how good his butt looked in them. You giggled and got their attention, starting to teach now. Halfway through the routine, you decided to watch them do it. You pressed play, not knowing the disaster you were about to see.
Jack was stumbling and too busy laughing to know what to do, and Mark was just swinging his arms around and tumbling on the floor. You shook your head and walked over to Jack first. You grabbed both of his arms and raised them level with his shoulders, then touched his leg to bend it.
"Raise your chin, look confident. Bend your knees so you have balance, and jump into the flip. You too Mark, were practicing this until you two get it." Soon enough, they were getting the routine and actually looking good together. By the end of the day, they were finished and looked great.
"Thanks a lot! This was awesome!" Mark said with a smile, shaking your hand warmly. Jack did the same, but you two stared at each other for too long. Mark cleared his throat, making you two pull away from the handshake and step away. Mark and Jack left, but you couldn't seem to stop thinking about that man named Jack.
The next day though, someone special came back. You were in the middle of a solo you had practiced on. Your body moved along with the beat, your head spinning around and your feet quickly moving into complex movements.
"Wow." Jack said, throwing you off guard. You gasped, falling to the floor and causing Jack to rush over to you. He helped you off the floor, both of you blushing bright red. You scratched the back of your neck, looking up at him.
"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you. I..um..your probably wondering why I'm here...um..I just..um needed more help?" You noticed his Irish accent as he talked. You nodded to him, and did just that. You noticed it was different whenever you helped him with his moves.
It didn't seem that he was listening to you much, only looking at you. Eventually you did find out on his little game, but honestly you didn't mind. You didn't mind being close to him or spending time with him as the week went on.
He loved watching you dance and came to visit you everyday. It soon became a normal thing as you two became friends, maybe even more than that. Eventually, he finally had the guts to ask you out at the end of a practice you were at. Right then and there as you were about to walk out the door.
His adorable pleading smile and puppy blue eyes made you happy from your head to your feet. After you had said yes, he cheered and did a cartwheel..which ended up with him flat on the floor, you laughing your ass off.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now