I Miss You

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   Jack was away for a convention he was invited to, he was going to be gone for a whole three weeks. He was almost late to his flight because he didn't want to leave you. He was a little emotional at goodbyes and he teared up and squeezed you tightly before boarding the plane. You knew he'd be back soon, but three weeks was awhile for you.
   You two texted each other and skyped when he was at his hotel, but you began to feel a little lonely. You didn't want to complain to him how much you missed him, so you kept quiet about that. You shut your computer down after saying goodnight to Jack for the night. You sighed, looking around the empty house.
   He had only been gone for a few days, but it already felt like weeks. You trudged to your room, changing into one of his shirts. It lingered with Jack's cologne, making you take a deep breath of it. You smiled and sat on the couch, trying to take your mind off of him by watching movies. It ended up not working, so you grabbed your laptop and laid in your bed.
   You began to play one of his videos, and prepared to watch it. It made you feel a little less lonely, especially when you were able to hear his sweet laugh and adorable smile. You fell asleep to the sound of Jack's loud voice playing in the background.
   This went on for the three weeks he was gone, right up until he finally came back. His videos helped you when you felt lonely and he kept you giggling and happy even when he want physically there. It was around midnight when you were in your bed, getting ready to watch another video. You missed Jack terribly, you wanted your little boyfriend back in your arms again.
   "I miss you." You whispered, touching the screen where Jack was. You sighed deeply, laying down on your pillow and trying to ignore the stabs of sadness. Suddenly, you felt the bed drop and arms pull you towards them.  You were ready to scream when lips crashed on yours and that familiar cologne hit you. You gasped and tackled him with hugs. He chuckled and hugged you back tightly.
   "My baby is back!" You shouted, giggling and letting him pick you up. He spun you around and kissed your forehead, holding you close and not letting go until he felt better. He looked over at the computer and then to the shirt you were wearing. His eyes softened and his smile grew.
    "You have no idea how much I missed by Baby Girl." He said, pulling in for another slow and sweet kiss. It was needed after the weeks you two had been apart. You two moved to the couch, cuddling up next to each other and catching up on all the loving you two had missed.
   "I believe there are some kissing and cuddling that are overdue?" He asked, his smile so big and excited it made your heart pound in your chest. You nodded and leaned in for a kiss that would last for hours.

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