Secret Part 3

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(A/N:HEY GUYS! You guys are so awesome, I would love to do a Part three for you Guys! This is the final one, and where they both get together! So please enjoy lovelies!)

   Jack randomly asked you to talk in your accent throughout the day. He just really seemed to love it when you did. He said it brings more out of you, shows you more than he thought you had. Finally, the two goobers decided to cut the Irish jokes and settle down for the day.
  "Okay, okay. If you insist we stop, then we will." Mark said, chuckling. Felix agreed and flopped back on the couch. You all continued watching the movie and began talking to each other. It was nice just sitting around and talking about whatever you wanted.
   "So, (Y/N)? Why did you want to try and hide your accent?" Felix asked, staring over at you. All of them began to stare, making you fidget in your spot. You looked back at the screen and began talking. 
   "Well, when we moved to America, I was always afraid of what the other kids would say. I asked her if she could make me sound more...I don't know..clearer? I guess, anyway I just wanted to try and see if I could make my English better." They all nodded. In the corner of your eye, you saw Jack smiling at you.
   "I just let mine all hang out! Well, some people think I'm not Sweden....such dumbas-" Mark threw a pillow at his head, cutting him off from swearing. Felix yelped in shock but bursted out laughing once he pulled the pillow away.
   "I have something too you guys. It's the deep and sexy voice of the Markimoo." Mark said, accentuating his deep voice. You rolled your eyes and giggled. Jack tried to lower his voice, but ended up squeaking at one point. You liked Jack's voice the way it was. It was animated and loud. It was something nice to listen to.
   "You are so full of yourself." You joked, shaking your head. Mark flipped his hand and looked over at a mirror on his wall. He smirked and began fixing his hair and making duck faces at it. His comments about himself was almost too much to bear. So, you stood up and went into the kitchen. Hearing the guys joke around and start a video game, you reached into the fridge for some water.
   "Doofs I tell you." Jack's voice called out from behind you. He had followed you also, smiling. You turned around and smiled back, taking a drink from the glass. You thought back to his comment that made your face as red as a tomato.
   " think I'm cute when I talk with my accent?" You asked quietly. His eyes widened and he cleared his throat. You could see the blush that dusted his cheeks now.
   "W-Well...I mean..yeah. I-I didn't mean it to sound like r-rude or..I always C-cute.. Ah shite." He muttered, face palming himself. You moved closer to him, setting the glass down. When he looked up, you were inches from him.
   "I don't mind, laddie. You are quite h-handsome yourself." You hated your stuttering as you looked at the floor. Suddenly, you felt his hand gently pull your chin up to meet his beautiful eyes. His cute little smile came up and he leaned closer.
   "Thank you lass. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to show you how thankful I am." Soon after the words left, he filled the space between you two. Your lips met, and you melted into the kiss. You were shocked, happy, confused, and giddy all at once. This was practically your best friend...that you were kissing. His lips were soft and warm, and he held you close.
    You couldn't seem to think as the kiss went on a little longer than expected. When you pulled away, you looked up at him wide eyed. He grinned hugely at you and grabbed your hand. You both heard something from the living room and turned to look. Felix and Mark were sitting on the couch, their heads resting in their hands and their elbows on top of the couch. They were staring straight at the both of you.
   "Well, well well. Look what we got here. They go together like two little leprechauns in a po-"
"Don't. Say. It."

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