Cooking Lessons

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   "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO COOK DELICIOUS TREATS!" Jack shouted, making you giggle and wince from his sudden outburst. You remembered his voice acting from Undertale and started to laugh harder. You wanted to bake Christmas cookies, but knew Jack would love to help also.
   He tied an apron around your waist that said, "Kiss the Cook." He smirked and kissed your lips quickly before setting everything up. You blushed and went to your music, playing songs out loud as you cooked. He poured the ingredients into the bowl, you standing close to him and watching.
   You watched the little things he did that made you fall more in love with your little Irishman. The way he chuckled to himself when he mentioned how weird the cookie dough felt in his hands, the way his gorgeous blue eyes shined when he caught you dancing behind him, his careful hands molding the cookies and gently handling them.
   "NOW, LET US BEGIN HUMAN!" He shouted, striking a Papyrus pose and winking at you. You burst out laughing and grabbed the bowl from his hands. You stirred the bowl slowly, concentrating on mixing the ingredients together. You could hear Sean ranting as Papyrus, him now on full Undertale mode as you cooked.
    "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL CAPTURE THE HUMAN AND BECOME THE GLORIOUS ROYAL GUARD!" He said, raising his eyebrows at you. You giggled and stirred faster, he was being quite the distraction. Suddenly, you felt his hand cover yours gently as he helped you stir the spoon around the bowl. His chest pressed against your back as his free hand pulled you close.
    "Papyrus will help the silly human cook." Sean whispered, kissing your cheek. You blushed a bright red, enjoying every moment. His fingers were gently wrapped around your fist as you two slowly let your hands go round and round in the bowl.
   You were too concentrated on Sean's breath hitting your neck to realize the spoon had stopped stirring. Sean let out a, "NEH EH EH!" Before stepping away, his grasp on your hand loosening. You turned around, seeing the spoon still in his hand. He stuck out the spoon, smiling warmly at you.
    You chuckled and took a bite of cookie dough from it, watching Sean eat the rest. You two continued the cooking, Sean still pretending to be Papyrus as he picked you up and spun you around, cheering about how he was finally going to become a royal guard.

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