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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! Okay, so I am binge watching Grey's Anatomy because school is killing me and my stress is up to its breaking point. Watching hot doctors and hilarious mess ups helps! Plus, this show is my life and I got inspiration from it to write this next imagine! Enjoy lovelies!)

   "Mom! You know how much I hate hospitals!" You groaned, your stomach churning at the tall building came into view. Your mother rolled her eyes and continued driving until she parked. You wringed your hands nervously, begging your mother not to let you go. She ignored you, of course, and dragged you into the front doors.
   You could hear the chatter of hustled doctors and sick patients floating through the air. You bit your lip, wincing at the pain blooming on your chest and stomach. Your mother's eyes scanned over the bruises that painted your face. She shook her head and sighed.
   "Mrs.(L/N)? The doctor is already waiting for your daughter. He will be there in a few short minutes. Please lay her on the bed and wait for him to come." Your mother nodded and watches you jump up on the bed. You kicked your feet, looking around at the posters on the wall. You reached up and probed at your swollen lip. Your mother shook her head once again, making you hang your head.
   The door opened, causing you to lift your head up, along with your mother's. The doctor strolled in, his eyes peering down at the clipboard. If you knew this was your doctor, you were sure you would throw yourself down the stairs everyday to see him. He had a head full of black hair, specks of gray sprinkled here and there, despite the way he looked.
   He seemed way too young to be a doctor, but you didn't seem to mind that fact. Your eyes trailed down his face, his bright crystal blue eyes, sharp jawline, pink and plump lips, and his prominent collar bones. You could feel yourself blushing, so you looked away.
   "Good evening, Ms....(Y/N). I will be your Doctor for today. My name is Dr.McLoughlin. Now, tell me what is the problem? I can already tell by the bruising on your face, so give me the story." You caught the Irish accent in his voice, and your eyes widened. He was way too attractive to be a doctor. He smiled warmly at you and your mother, coming close to examine your face.
   "U-Um..well. My friends and I were having a bike race. I won obviously, but um..we kind of crashed." Sean nodded, scribbling notes onto his clipboard. He set it down next to you, gently bringing your gave up and touching your bruises.
   "Okay, is any other place causing you pain? Your bruises will heal by themselves in a couple days, and leave without any damage. Your muscles might be sore, but that is to be expected." You nodded, and explained to him about the pain in your chest and abdomen, and how your arm was in pain. He asked you to lie down, your mother watching him carefully. She looked over at you and winked, pointing at him behind his back.
   "Now, I am going to lift your shirt up and place pressure on areas on your stomach. Tell me how bad they hurt, and if they are causing you pain." You nodded and felt his hands lift up your shirt. You blushed deeply, feeling the pressure of his fingers pressing into your skin. You winced once he pressed down on your sternum, and around your belly button. He nodded to himself, checking your breathing and heart rate.
   "Okay (Y/N), there's nothing serious. I believe it is just a little bone bruising, which is going to take longer to heal. I can prescribe you some pain killers to help with the soreness. Also, you have a minor sprain in your left wrist. I will get you a sling for now. It should heal up in a couple of weeks with the sling on. Other than that, everything seems to be fine. Just, try not to get too carried away in those races."
   Sean stated, winking at you. You cleared your throat and nodded, a nervous giggle escaping your lips. Your mother walked up and stood by you, thanking Sean. She turned around and swiftly smacked the back of your head, causing you to groan and rub your head.
   "Good, glad I got that out of the way. Are you crazy! You could've been seriously hurt!" You smiled innocently at her and shrugged, rubbing your aching head. Sean chuckled and grabbed his clip board, calling the nurses to give you the medicine.
  "Well, thank you so much Doctor! Maybe my daughter will finally learn her lesson." Your mom glared at you, but you smiled sheepishly back. You stared back at Sean to see him staring back at you.
   "It was no trouble at all. Anything for this beautiful lady. Hope to see you soon (Y/N)..maybe next time not all bruised and cut up, yeah?" He sent a wink at you again before walking out into the hallway. You gawked at the door, hearing your mother chuckled beside you. You would've been offended, but damn was he a nice one.
   "Looks like I'll have to race more."
   "The hell you aren't!"

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