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    You were currently lounging on your sofa, with your laptop rested on your thighs. Jack was in his recording room, shouting away as he played with Mark, Bob, and Wade with, "Dead By Daylight." You giggled at his snarky remarks and shook your head. You busied yourself by watching some Pewdiepie. You stopped scrolling when you saw the Jacksepticeye Roast video. You were curious, so you let it play. Instantly, you were snorting with laughter.
   "Jacksepticeye..more like Jackseptic...BYE!"
   "Hey Jack!? When I first saw you..I gagged!"
    "Jack! Your facial hair makes you look like..a pre-pubescent member of ISIS!"
    "Your abs..look like a vagina! So I have to blur it!"
    "Your videos are as cringy as a Dove commercial!"
    "Hey...Hey Jack..I found your twin."
   You snort as Felix holds up a potatoe with a face and green colored hair. You shake your head and wipe the corners of your eyes. You take a deep breath and giggle. After watching the rest of the video, an idea pops into your head. You leave your laptop open on the counter and go searching through your house.
   You slip on your red-lensed glasses you found in a drawer, sprinkle potatoes EVERYWHERE in the house, and replaced your regular shampoo and conditioner with green dove soaps. You placed a frying pan full of potatoes on the stove and waited for your boyfriend to appear. Eventually, his videos ended and he appeared from his room.
    "HEY JACKSEPTICEYE..MORE LIKE JACKSEPTIC...BYE!" You shouted, startling Jack. He looked at your new glasses and burrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. He ran a hand through his hair and walked past you to the kitchen.
    "WHAT THE FUCK ARE ALL THESE POTATOES DOING IN HERE!?" He shouted, picking up a potato from the sink. You even drew a replica of one from Felix's video. He froze when he saw your opened laptop. He tries stiflin a laugh and shook his head. Your day consisted of roasting Jack ALL day. That included throwing potatoes at him when he was in the shower, cooking him a potato based dinner, and wearing your glasses ALL day.
   "THATS IT! You and Felix want a fight, then a fight you've got!" Jack said, smiling evilly at you and venturing into his recording room. He set up his camera in the living room and say you down next to him. He took your glasses off and flung them across the room. He chuckled and started his intro. He rubbed his hands together, looking at you.
   "THIS IS THE PEWDIEPIE AND (Y/N)'S ROAST. I believe he deserves one. Hey Pewdiepie! HAHA more like, "Pew, I wish you die!" Felix! If I were your beard, I'd want to get away from you as fast as possible! Hey Swedish boy! I've got some furniture over here, that I'd like you to build!"
    He ran around the living room, his hands thrown up in the air and slipping on yellow lensed glasses. You laughed so hard your stomach hurt as the roast just kept coming. He pushed his green hair out of his face and smirked at the camera. He held up a tiny potato from the kitchen, mockingly glaring at the camera.
    "You say this is my family! I eat this shit for breakfast!" Then he proceeded to take a bite out of it. Which resulted in him gagging and spitting it out. He grabbed a bag of them and made them rain over his head while he made faces. You covered your mouth and giggled as you watched them roll all over the floor.
    "At least I don't look like a hairy, Swedish, meatball! You say I look like a Nazi!? Well, at least I was in the war, ya Swedish asshole! Hey Felix? You have 44 million subscribers, where's the views bro!? HA! You think that I copy you!?HAHA! Hey Felix? When are you gonna start uploading in 1080P, or 60 FPS!?
    At least I don't have to put ass and tits in all my thumbnails to clickbait people into watching my videos! I would show you what you look like, but it's against terms and device to pull down my pants and show my ass to the camera!"
   Jack proceeded to roast Pewds until he burst into laughter. He gave Pewds compliments and said it was all for fun, then ended the video. You watched him clean up his mess and put away the camera. You thought it was over.
You were wrong.
   He turned towards you and smiled, putting back on his glasses.
   "Oh, no no. I haven't done you yet, Lass."
   "(Y/N)! MORE LIKE-"
  "Oh no."

(For any of you who haven't seen the Videos, all the roasts and comments were actually from the roast videos Pewds and Jack made. These are not from me, and they are not to hurt any of them. They both did this in good fun, and it was hilarious. XD)

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