Life Is Strange Part 3

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WARNING: Spoiler Cut Scene from the game!
(A/N: Hello lovelies! I am on my way home FINALLY. Six more hours to go, then home sweet home. Once again, I'm tired, in a car, with nothing to do. UPDATE TIME!)

    It's been a couple weeks since that Victoria incident. You and Mark seemed to hit it off really well. Even though you were a quiet, shy, and goody two shoes, while Mark was the bad ass rule breaker with bright hair dye and tattoos. Even with those characteristics, you two felt like you knew each other for years now.
   You had almost forgotten about that swim plan until you ventured back to your dorm after a long day of testing. You threw your bag on the bed and hugged your teddy bear. You looked behind you, dozens and dozens of pictures taped against the walls. It reminded you of the photo project you had to turn into Mr. Jefferson. You groaned loudly, you hated turning your pictures in. Even though he thought you had a special talent, you thought otherwise.
    You sat up and grabbed your guitar, plucking at the familiar strings. Soon, the beautiful melody came spilling from your fingertips. You closed your eyes and smiled softly, listening to the beautiful melody. Soon, you felt your phone vibrate. You laid the guitar down and fished your phone from your pocket. You flipped it open, seeing a new message from Mark. Soon, you two were talking.
   "Hey, Nerd." ~ Mark
   "Don't call me that!" ~(Y/N)
   "Whatever you say, Geek." ~ Mark
   "Grr." ~(Y/N)
   "Did you just growl at me? Ooh I'm SO scared." ~ Mark
    "Whatever. So what did you want?" ~(Y/N)
    "You didn't forget about my late night swim plan, right?" ~Mark.
    "...Maybe. Wait, you still want to do this? In the college? At night?" ~(Y/N)
    "What do you think a late night swim is? Wait, Is someone getting scared? Come on Scaredy Cat, it'll be fun." ~ Mark
    "Alright, Alright! For the record I'm not a Scaredy Cat! I'll meet you in front of the school in an hour." ~(Y/N)
    "Hella sweet. See you there, Geek." ~Mark
    "See you later :-P." ~(Y/N)
    "NO EMOJIS." ~Mark.
   You giggled and shut your phone off, placing it on the desk. Your stomach erupted in butterflies as you bit your lip. You had to admit, you've never done anything like this before. You were the good girl, no rule breaking. You did feel excited to sneak in after hours. So, with a smile on your face, you changed into a tank top and shorts, grabbing your bag and phone before heading out. You waited an hour, getting ready.
   The college cleared and soon silence settled over the small town. Streetlamp snapped on, giving minimal yellow light to give you direction. You made sure no one was around before exiting the building and making your way to the front entrance. You stood by a tree, watching a squirrel sniff around for an acorn. You quickly snapped a photo before it scurried away into the woods.
   You jumped a little when you heard voices coming from your right. You turned to see Mark and another man talking down the street. They were under a streetlight, so you could easily make out the red hair. He had on a red flannel, a black shirt underneath. He played with his frayed jeans as he stood and talked to the young man. The other man looked his age, with the same or more amount of piercings and tattoos covering his face. They shook hands and mark set off in your direction, leaving the other guy to saunter off.
   "Who was that?" You asked out of curiosity.
   "Oh, him? That was Frank, he still goes here. We're bros, I just haven't been coming to school a lot lately. So, anyway, let's get our swim on. It's hella hot out here." Mark complained, wiping his forehead. You nodded and followed him to the front where he went around back. He stopped in front of a window, smirking at you. He carefully inspected a couple windows before he could shift one open.
   "Ladies first." He said, holding his hands out. You blushed and nodded, stepping into his cupped hands. You squealed a little as you were lifted into the space. You quickly climbed in and waited for Mark. He got in swiftly and easily, he's definitely done this before. He grabbed your arm and made it across the wet cement. Your eyes trailed along the pool, lit up by underwater lighting. It gave off a soft blue light that spread across the floor.
   "Finally! Let's go!" He exclaimed, his voice echoing off the walls. You turned to see him shrugging off his flannel, and pulling his shirt over his head. You blushed bright red and carefully sat your bag down on the bench. You became startled as you heard a huge splash, then chuckling followed. You saw his clothes on the ground, including his jeans and shoes. You giggled and shook your head before taking off your jacket.
   "It feels good in here, come on Nerd!" Mark said, motioning for you to come in. You took your shoes off before going to the edge of the pool. Your toes curled around the cement, dipping into the cool waters. He splashed your legs, causing you to gasp and glare at him. Finally, you held your nose and jumped in, being consumed by the cold waters.
   "This is cold!"
   "Oh, man up!" Mark said, laughing a little. You smiled and swam around, pushing your wet hair back with one hand. He dove underneath the water, swimming close to you. He emerged, water running down his face. His red hair was a mop in his eyes, he soon pushed it to the side. You both swam up to the side and hung on the edge, talking.
   "I'm not sure I like this school very much. So far, I have enemies left and right. Victoria seems to be the most I need to avoid right now."
   "Well, I don't see a reason as to why they wouldn't like you." He said quietly, playing with his nose ring. You shrugged, looking at your hands that lay beneath the waters. Mark looked over at you, his eyes softening. He moved closer to where your shoulders touched. You looked up, seeing him give you a crooked smile.
   "Well, don't worry (Y/N) have me." You heart fluttered at his words as he nodded and bumped his shoulders into yours. You two talked for a couple more hours, playing in the waters. It was thrilling to break a few rules here and there. The party ended though when you heard a door open.
   "Shit! What if it's guards! Or the Principle! Let's go!" You said in a hushed voice, pulling yourself out of the pool. Mark climbed out quickly, scooping his clothes up in his arms. You three stour bag over your shoulder and followed a dripping wet Mark into the locker rooms. You gasped as you saw a flashlight beam dance across the room of the pool. You cursed under your breath and wrung out your wet hair. He threw on a shirt, and hopped around to get in his jeans.
    "Well shit. If it isn't Sargent Asshole. Okay, um hide in the lockers. Then, sneak around to the window again. I'll meet you there." He whispered, sneaking his way to a locker to hide in. You held your breath and squeezed yourself in a locker as footsteps led to the locker room. You shut the door as quietly as possible as you pressed yourself tightly against the back wall. You heard muttered and the flashlight shine over the lockers. The light was blinding, but it didn't last long.
   "I see the footsteps. I know there's someone in here. Come out, just give up already." A gruff voice called out. It was strangely familiar. You opened the door as he walked by, biting your tongue and peeking around.
It was David.
   Perfect timing, you thought grimly. Your hands shook as you sneaked across the locker hallway. You froze against a locker when the light shines down the hallway, just a few inches from your foot. You watched him walk the other way, his light fading. You breathed a sigh of relief and made your way to the window. Your clothes made puddles against the floor as you climbed up the window.
   You fell on the ground, grunting before picking yourself up and trying to wring the water from your clothes. After a few minutes, Mark came stumbling out the window. He grabbed your hand and started into a run towards the parking lot. His face was lit up and you couldn't help but laugh with him. You heard the front door open and flashlights shoot out from the darkness. 
   "Hurry! Get in the truck! I don't want Step-Douche to see us! We will head back to my place! Hop in!" He called out quietly, jumping in the driver's seat. You hopped in quickly, feeling the leather stick to your wet skin. You laughed breathlessly, feeling adrenaline course through you. Mark chuckled hard, clapping his hands.
    "WOO! HELL YEAH!" He shouted out the window, causing David to pursue the mystery student. Mark threw his truck in drive, and peeled out of the driveway. You giggled in excitement as the wind blew through your hair and the flashlights faded as you got farther and farther away from the school. Mark looked over and high fived you, giving you a wink. 
   "You know, your pretty hella cool for a nerd. I think we will be getting along just fine." You smiled so big it hurt. And in that moment, you realized for a very long time, you've never felt this happy before. Never with anybody.
    "Your hella cool yourself, Mark."

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