Soulmate Tattoo

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! This is once again, another requested imagine! I think this one is very unique and I like it alot, actually. Thank you theREDflannel! So, I hope you lovelies like it as much as I do also! This one is probably going to be a 2 part chapter, so be ready. I promise to work on my other books once I get requests done for this book. Enjoy!)

P.S. In this imagine, you are the famous YouTuber, not Mark.

"Thank you guys so much for watching this video! As always, I will see the next video! Buh bye!" You said into the camera, smiling and waving goodbye. You had finally reached your dream and succeeded in becoming a famous Youtuber. You shut off the camera, taking a deep breath. You giggled as your lovely community started commenting about your gaming video. You stretched, yawning and making your way to the kitchen. The sun was just coming up, showing pale, yellow, light across the ground. You ran a hand through your hair and scratched your arm. Your eyes caught the ugly tattoo engraved on the inside of your wrist. You frowned, pulling back your sleeve to expose the mistake on your skin. You looked at it in disgust and anguish. You shook your head, glaring at it.

You lived in a world where once born, you had a certain tattoo grown somewhere on your body. It was special, and very important in your lifetime. That tattoo was identical to your soulmate. It helped you find love and happiness, someone to share that with. Sadly, during your birth, complications were inevitable, and your tattoo was ruined. The Doctors couldn't fix it, and your soulmate was never found. Years went by as you wondered why your tattoo looked so much different than others. Your parents tried explaining it to you, but you never liked hearing the fact that you were going to end up alone.

Sighing, you pulled your sleeve back down and pulled on your converse. You headed outside, walking alone down the street. You watched the other couples in envy. Two girls walked down the street, fingers intertwined with the other, and huge smiles on their faces. They were both wearing a tank top, both showing their matching tattoos. It was on their shoulders, slinking down their arms. It was both of a red dragon, its tail wrapping around their arm and stopping at their elbow. They both giggled and walked closer to each other as they passed you. You subconsciously tugged at your sleeve, watching the other couples pass by you. You learned your lesson after exposing your tattoo to others. All you received were weird looks, whispers, and sympathy.

You continued your trip down the street, getting more jealous as more people had someone except you. You shoved the thoughts away and headed into the library store. You decided to catch up on some reading before heading back and making more videos. You were going to have to make quite a few because of the convention you were heading to this week. You walked through the quiet store, looking at all the books. You took your time, seeing which one peaked your interest. You looked through the spaces between the books, seeing a couple sitting down in the chairs by the window. They held a book in their arms, looking at each other with nothing but love. The tall man leaned over and kissed the cheek of his girl, making her blush. His fingertips trailed the heart tattoo on her neck, smiling wider.

"Oh Rose, how happy I am that I have found you." He said quietly, winking at her. She giggled and place her fingertips on his neck, where the same tattoo rested. You scrunched up your face, but your stomach dropped with sadness.

"I am too, love. Who knew we would find each other, a day as beautiful as this. Everything is going so well, and now it is even better." You decided to stop listening to their conversation and pick up a few book from the shelf. Holding them in your arms, you walked up to the counter. Sighing, you didn't look up and pulled out your card. You saw an arm pull your books away from you and put them carefully in a bag.

"No way! Your that Youtuber, aren't you!? I'm a huge fan!" You looked up, your breath getting caught in your throat. He smiled at you warmly, handing you the bag.

His hair was a fiery red, and swept over to one side of his face. He reached up and pushed his black glasses back up his nose. He had soft, brown eyes, like the color of melting chocolate. He had a sharp jawline, a shadow covering below his lip. He had on a red polo shirt, lone sleeves underneath. He rubbed his wrist, tilting his head at you. My god he's gorgeous, you thought. You finally managed to unfreeze and smile weakly back at him. He looked over at the couple sitting a few feet from you two and shook his head.

"I saw how you looked at them. I feel the same, don't worry. I still have yet to find my tattoo match." He chuckled lightly, hearing you join in a few moments later. You smiled at him, taking the bag in your hand. You looked down, wondering why he was wearing sleeves. You couldn't say anything anyway, you were just the same. You realized the people who found their soulmate, showed off their tattoo with pride. They never covered it, always exposed. Except for you, and now..this man.

"Would it be alright if I..take a picture with you? I'm sorry if I am being rude, it's just I am a huge fan. My name is Mark, by the way. Though, you probably already saw my name tag." You smiled, blushing slightly as you nodded and turned around. He walked over and stood next to you, holding his phone out. You smiled with him, seeing him take a few pictures. His smile was breathtaking as he shot you one.

"I heard about you going to the next convention coming up? This week? I am actually heading over to that sometime!" You nodded and smiled, hearing your heart hammer in your chest. Your eyes flickered down to his sleeve, where he seemed to always be fiddling with. You cleared your throat and walked out the door, trying to shake the weird feeling from deep within your stomach. You scratched your wrist, trying to figure out why it felt so tingly. You shook your head, walking back to your house and setting your books down. You ran a hand through your hair, staring hard at the floor.

"What the hell?" You whispered, sitting down on the couch. You pulled up your sleeve once again, staring hard at the corrupted tattoo. Your mother told you it was supposed to be a heart locket. You could tell the heart itself was supposed to be a beautiful, bright red. Your skin had torn during the desperate surgery trying to fix the mistake, but it ended up ruining the tattoo even more. The heart was supposed to have intricate black designs filling the inside of the heart, a keyhole placed in the middle. The Doctor said your soul mate had a key chained to his own tattoo heart, and he was the only one who could "Unlock" your heart and love. You scoffed at his words, running your fingers lightly over the warped skin. You sighed, laying your head back and staring up at the ceiling.

When were you going to find that one person who had the key..the key to your broken heart?

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