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(A/N: For anyone who was uncomfortable about my Lime story, I deeply apologize. I realized it wasn't fluff, It was "Lime." And, I also apologize for doing so many Jack imagines. The next one will be a Mark one, I promise.)

You sighed, holding your head in your hands and trying not to cry. You bit your lip, looking down at the picture resting on your desk. You picked it up with trembling fingers. It was a picture of Jack and you on your wedding day. You both were shining with smiles. Your dress was ruffling in the wind, his green hair ruffled around his face. You let out a sob, but stopped and wiped your face clean.
Jack wasn't supposed to be deployed back home until next year. You had to wait 6 more months to see your husband. The pain in your chest increased as the weeks went by. You could do nothing but worry about him. He was in the marines, which meant dangerous. You missed his ocean blue eyes, his kisses,his laugh.
"I miss you." You whispered, your voice cracking. You took a deep breath and placed the picture gently back in its frame. Your friends and family tried to help you, but you didn't want any. You worked, went home, cried, and then slept the rest of the night. It was a cycle you did not like doing. Suddenly, you heard a knock at your. When you heard your friends' voices, you groaned. You looked down at your ripped jeans and oversized sweatshirt.
Your hair was a mess, your eyes bloodshot from the tears. You shuffled towards the door, almost being stampeded when they barged in. You stepped back, watching them surround you. They exclaimed you needed to get dressed up because they were taking you out to dinner. After several objections and Shouts, you were finally convinced to go. You sat down as they brushed through your hair and put on makeup.
You didn't feel like pushing them away, you were too tired to move anymore. They put on makeup, fixing your hair to its normal shiny style. They helped you into a nice black dress, with crossing straps and a sweetheart neckline. You thanked them profusely for buying it, as they kept getting you ready. You noticed them dressed up too, so you weren't the only one.
They refused to tell you why, they only said, "It's a surprise, plus you need to get out of the house!" You rolled your eyes, being pulled out into the sunshine. You squinted against the harsh rays as they got you into their car and drived off. It was a fancy and beautiful restaurant. You all ate outside, chatting and catching up while your food was being ordered. You found yourself smiling a little, it was nice to get with your friends again.
Still, In the back of your mind, Jack was there. You took a deep breath, trying not to think about him fighting. Your friends noticed, silencing and grabbing your hand.
"I miss him so much. I have to wait six more months!? Six more months!" Your friends smiled sweetly at you, giving you a hug. They took your mind off of him by talking about different things that made you laugh. You still felt that loneliness clawing at you chest when your waiter came to put down your food. Your friends looked up and smiled widely, some even started to tear up. You raised an eyebrow at them, turning to look.
"Here is your food ladies, now I would just like to say how beautiful this girl is in front of me. Come to think of it, you look like my beautiful wife back at home." Your heart stopped and you gasped as you quickly turned around. You saw your Jack, standing there in his uniform and smiling uncontrollably. You screamed and lunged out of the chair, onto him. You sobbed in his chest as he engulfed you in a hug.
"I missed you so much! Oh my god, lass!" Jack cried, squeezing you tightly. You could see flashes going around and the cries of your friends. Your heart swelled with happiness as you felt him, you could smell him, you could see him right in front of you. You cried harder, pulling him into a sweet kiss. He returned the kiss, pulling back and looking into your eyes.
"I love you." He said, kissing your forehead. You sniffled and said it back, hugging him tightly once again. He wiped the tears away gently, tears rolling down his own face. He smiled through his tears, hugging you tightly.
"I'm back home, Angel."

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