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(A/N: HEY GUYS! So for this chapter, it's got some fluff and maybe some more serious fluff, but I don't know. If you don't like these things, then move on to another chapter. Enjoy lovelies and if any of these things I write make you uncomfortable please tell me. I never want to disappoint you guys.)

   You were cleaning the kitchen when Jack was finally done recording. It was in the middle of the afternoon. Jack smiled warmly at you and hugged you from behind. You giggled and continued to wipe off the counter. Jack groaned and continued sighing until you put the cloth down and faced him.
   "I feel like you need to say something?"
"Well, since your asking. I want to cuddle." Jack said, wrapping you in his arms. You smiled and took a minute to answer back. You tapped your chin in thought, making Jack groan and lay his head on your shoulder.
   "Hmm, I guess I could." That's all he needed to hear as he pulled you upstairs to the bedroom. You changed into sweats and a tank top before crawling into bed. Jack had on his soft pants as he slid under the covers. It was nice and dim,the relaxing silence making you feel calm.
   "I love this." Jack whispered, staring into your eyes. You sighed in content, looking back at him. You two spent a few minutes in silence. Your hands moved gently up to his face, making him close his eyes. You let your fingertips feel the scruff of his heard, the lines of his jaw, the dips of his neck, and down to his stomach. You felt the dips of his abs and the smoothness of his skin.
   You were taking this moment to really look at him, at this amazing man you got to call yours. He opened his eyes and smiled at you, a blush crawling over his cheeks. He leaned over and pressed his lips against yours. It was painfully slow, the way his lips moved over yours. You ran a hand up neck and tangled your fingers with his green hair. He smiled into the kiss as he pulled you closer. You leaned on him slightly, your chest pressed against his.
   You felt his fingertips grazing down your arm, causing chills to go through you. He held you gently in his arms. He stopped the kiss to press his lips on the corner of your mouth. You closed your eyes and felt him make his way down your chin and to your neck. You turned bright red, but enjoyed the feeling. His soft lips peppered kisses all down your neck. He held you down as he started to nibble on your collarbone.
   You sucked in a breath and hummed in response. Jack noticed and started sucking lightly at the skin between your neck and shoulder. You let out a soft moan, making Jack smile against your skin. He pulled back, looking at your face. You hide your face with your hands.
   "I love you." Jack says, holding your hands with his. You kiss him lips sweetly and cuddle up next to him.
   "I love you more." You whisper back, kissing his chest before turning on the TV. After that heated moment, you two decided to cuddle the rest of the day and watch movies. Of course, there was no way you two could not share the sweet kisses you two loved to give each other.

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