It's Okay

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   You took a deep breath, trying to collect yourself before walking through the door. You wiped away the tears that were collecting in your eyes. You forced your hand to stop shaking, but the pressure in your chest was building. Everything just seemed to crash down on you today. Granted, you were relieved to be home, but that feeling never stopped following you. So, with one last deep breath, you went inside.
   "Hey, Lass!" Jack called to you from the kitchen. He walked out with a glass of water in his hand and a smile on his face. You gave him a small smile and waved to him. You bit your lip, this was harder than you thought it would be. Jack began to notice you take a deep breath and look at the ground.
   "Babe?" He asked gently, looking into your eyes. His smile dropped from his face, a serious expression now on his face. You couldn't stop your hands from shaking so you shook your head and mustered up a smile. By this point, Jack already knew something was wrong. He walked towards you, setting the glass down. You took a step back, feeling the wall you've been building up slowly crumble. Jack quickly pulled you into his arms.
   You began to push away from him, but he only tightened the grip. You started whimpering, trying to shove all the cries back down your throat. Jack held you tightly, looking back into your eyes. It was blurry as your eyes started to water and your bottom lip quivered.
   "Stop it...g-get away. Your going to make me cry." Your voice broke, causing Jack's face to soften. He shushed you and kissed your cheek, pulling you closer and pushing your head into his chest. The simple gesture made you start to tremble and the pain you were feeling needed to be released.
   "That's why I'm here, Angel. Let it out." Those three last words made the wall completely break as you began to sob. Tears soaked his shirt and his heart hurt when you gripped his back tightly to hold onto. Your muffled cries continued for awhile, Jack just standing there and letting you take it out on him.
   "That's it. I'm right here, everything will be okay." He led you to the couch and you sat in his lap, continuing to sniffle and cry. He rubbed your back gently, kissing your forehead, your nose, anything to make the pain go away. Eventually, you sat up and gave one last sniffle. He reached up and gently wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie.
   "There you go, baby. Lass, I'm right here. Tell me what happened." The sweet and caring look on his face made a couple tears start to roll down your face. He wiped those away too with kisses, and ran his hands up and down your arms. You took a deep breath, calming yourself before telling him. He listened to every word. After all of it ended, he gave you a long and deep kiss that told you, "Everything is going to be okay."
"Never fear, Jackiboy is here." He chanted softly, making you smile a little as you hugged him. You two just stayed like that for awhile, at least until Jack dried your tears and kissed you all better.

(A/N: I got this idea for the imagine after today. Today was a hard day and it brought me down for a little bit. Writing this book makes me so happy though, because of you guys. You guys are incredible and so very nice. Thank you all so much for even wanting to read one imagine out of this book.

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