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A/N: This one is a bit lengthy! Hope you like it anyway! Some more fluff than usual but nothing serious!

    You and Jack decided to spend the day outside. The sun was shining brightly, something unusual with the typical Ireland weather. He was excited to get some fresh air as he pulled you quickly outside. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the warm sun on your skin. You opened your eyes to see Jack staring at you with a small smile.
    "Your so beautiful." He muttered, his cheeks blazing with blush. You looked down, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. You watched your boyfriend chuckle to himself as he tried to do cartwheels in the grass. He failed the first time, landing on his back. He burst out laughing, his voice making you smile widely.
    He poked his head up, looking at you.
"You didn't see that!" You giggled and nodded, covering your eyes. While he did these funny things, you grabbed your guitar and placed it in your lap. You had a song stuck in your head all day so you decided to play.
    Your fingers started to strum the notes as you sang in your head. The notes were slow and deeply rang out into the summer air. Jack instantly made his way towards you and sat down, his face a handful of inches away from yours. He looked down at your fingers as they moved from string to string, your body swaying from side to side.
    "Will you sing it to me?" Jack asked, his eyes bright. You nervously shrugged, why not? You stopped playing, getting the notes and lyrics together in your head. You glanced at him quickly, looking to your hands before playing. He leaned in a little bit, he absolutely loved hearing your voice.
    "Baby can't you I'm calling. A guy like you should wear a warning. It's dangerous..and I'm falling." You dragged out the words, your voice ringing out and causing goosebumps to appear on Jack. He smiled hugely at you, his hands clasped in front of him as he listen. You closed your eyes, letting your voice get stronger.
    "There's no escape..I can't wait..I need a hit. Baby give me it. It's dangerous..I'm loving it." You let your eyes open as you let the guitar play a bit, staring into his gorgeous icy blue eyes. His smile fell a bit, a different look in his eyes. It made you blush harder as you opened your mouth to sing the next verse.
    "I'm too high..can't come down..losing my head spinning round and round. Can you feel now?" You leaned close and kissed his cheek, the music floating in your ears. He chuckled, looking at you with love filled eyes.
"Oh, the taste of your lips..I'm on a ride. Your toxic..I'm slipping under with a taste of your poison paradise." You noticed him staring at your lips as they moved and formed the words. He had leaned closer, making you falter in your words.
    "Amazing.." He whispered, his smile gone but replaced with a lustful smirk. His eyes twinkled as you winked at him, the words spilling from your lips. His hand went to your leg, gently rubbing his thumb over it.
    "Do you feel me now? I think I'm ready, I think I'm ready now. Intoxicate me..intoxicate me now.." You finished, hanging onto the last word and letting your voice ring. Before you could react, he shoved the guitar on the ground and climbed on top of you. The sudden force made you both fall to the ground, your guitar clanking.
    "Do you feel me now?" He asked in a low voice, making you laugh. His lips were on yours as he caressed your face. You eagerly kissed him back, letting your hands wander. He sat up, his lips slowly kissing down your jaw. You breathed in sharply, feeling his teeth gently bite.
    "If you insist." He said, answering the lyrics from the song. You giggled but soon it cut off as he reached your neck. You sat up also, being pulled into his lap. His back rested on the house, his arms wrapped around you. His lips went back to your neck and started to nibble.
    "S-Sean.." You breathed out, a smile lighting up your face. He gave a grunt, but didn't answer you. You covered your mouth with one hand as he gently starting sucking your neck. This was different from what your used to, you two hadn't gone too serious yet. He lips massaged a certain spot, making a muffled moan escape.
    When he heard it, he smiled against your neck and gripped your hips tighter. You breathed out and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on your skin. He started to suck harder, causing a louder moan from you. His hands slowly went up the hem of your shirt, sliding up your waist. You gasped and shivered, your hands gripping his hair a little tighter.
    Before things got too heated, he pulled away reluctantly. You turned a bright shade of red as he kissed your nose and smirked at you. You coughed and hid your face in his chest. He heard you start to giggle, letting out squeaks of laughter.
    "I'm sorry about that. Your voice, your lips..I couldn't control myself." He said, helping you on your feet. You picked up your guitar in one hand, Jack's hand in the other. You pulled him inside, setting the guitar down and kissing him hard.
    "I should sing for you more often.."

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now