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(A/N: I think this is absolutely adorable you
Guys. I hope you enjoy.)

   Tonight was the night that you were going to tell Sean. You were nervous all morning and almost ruined the surprise. You wanted to tell him so badly that it almost burst out of you. Sean questioned your excitement, but waved it off after awhile. A smile was plastered on your face all day, it couldn't seem to be wiped off.

You were pregnant..and you were telling him

   After three years of you two being together, the day finally came. You two had talked about having a baby together, and decided now was the time. The time finally came where you set all the things up. You were going to dinner with yours and Sean's family, telling Sean that it was for a special occasion. Once arriving, all of you got together and started eating.
   You were the only person who knew so far, no one else but you. Your hands were shaking so hard that you had to hide them under the table. Halfway through dinner, you finally decided to let him know, but in your own way. You pulled a small bag from your side and handed it to him. He gave you a confused look, kissing your cheek and taking the gift.
   "What's this for?" He asked in curiosity. You didn't answer, just motioned to the bag. Your whole family grew silent and politely waited for Sean to reach into the bag. What he first pulled out was a small, gray hat. It was just like Sean's, but for the baby. He didn't get it, just laughing about the size and setting it on his head.
   "Well, look at that!" Sean exclaimed, chuckling with the rest of your family. You giggled, encouraging him to get the others out. The next gift he pulled out, was a tiny Septic Sam, wrapped in a lime green baby blanket. Even then, he didn't get it. He adored the little plushie, rubbing his thumb over the soft material. You rolled your eyes in amusement and watched him pull out the very last gift.
   It was in a small rectangle box, taped shut. Your hands were trembling harder now, your stomach churning as he opened it. Once he had the lid off, he stared at the object inside. His smile slowly melted from his face as the realization hit him. Inside, was your pregnancy test. Two dark lines shown on the screen, it was positive.
   "W-What...I...what..." Sean stuttered, looking over at you. You had tears already streaming down your face as you sniffled and nodded eagerly towards him. Your family started screaming and both of your guy's moms were jumping and hugging one another. His bottom lip quivered as he dropped the box and covered his mouth.
   You threw your arms around him tightly, hearing him start to sob into your shoulder. You cried with him, rubbing his back and letting out laughs. He pulled away, looking down at your stomach. His eyes were red and teary, his whole body shaking. His hand gently pressed against your stomach.
   "T-There's a little Jack in t-there?" He asked weakly, watching you nod. You laid your hand over his, staring into his watery blue eyes. He took a deep breath and picked you up. He spun you around, cheering at the top of his lungs. You giggled, wiping your eyes and receiving hugs from everyone around the table.
   "There's a little Jack in there..oh my god.." Jack whispered to himself, leaning down and getting close to your stomach.
   "Hi there little buddy. M-My name is Sean...I'm going t-to be your...d-daddy." The words made a sob escape your mouth as he kissed your stomach and stood up to embrace you again. This was it, you and Sean were finally going to have a baby together.

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