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(A/N: HEY GUYS! This will be another one of one of the guys POV. This will be Mark's point of view. Enjoy lovelies :-))

   ~Mark's POV~

   I watched (Y/N) clean around the house, something she does when she's bored. My eyes trailed down her soft (E/C) eyes, to her cute little nose and her lovely shaped lips. She smiled at me from time to time, her smile always made my heart beat faster. I watched her for a minute until an idea popped into my head. Running a hand through my hair, I stood up and gripped the small table in the living room.
   I scooted it against the wall, moved the couch backwards, and the chairs away from the center. I looked around at the new given space and smiled, satisfied with my plan. (Y/N) looked at me confused, but decided not to question it as she continued to clean. She disappeared into the kitchen, giving me time to prepare. I quickly walked over to the stereo and turned on the music.
   As the music started playing, I slipped my shoes off and waited for (Y/N) to come out. Once she did, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the center of the room. She giggled, shaking her head and hiding her face. I pulled both of her hands away from her face and leaned close.
   "May I have this dance?"I asked sweetly, winking at her in the process. She turned bright red, something I found absolutely adorable, and nodded. I pulled her towards me and started dancing. It was a fast song, making us move around quickly. I watched her shake her hips and giggle as she spun around the room. She was quite the eye catcher, in my opinion.
   Everything she did seemed to draw me into her. I did some ridiculous moves, hearing her laugh behind me. I laughed along with her as the music echoed throughout the house. I pulled her towards me, wanting her in my arms. She grinned up at me, kissing my cheek.
   "You are quite the dancer." She said, then kissing my nose. It was my turn to blush as she hugged me tightly. I picked her up and spun her around. She gasped went I dipped her in my arms, her head a few feet from the ground. I pulled her back up, our faces a mere few inches from each other.
   "I'm also good at other things." I said, watching her burst into giggles. Before she had time to comment, I crashed my lips on her. We moved in sync and made her arms lock around my neck. I smiled into the kiss and squeezed her waist tighter. Her kisses were as sweet as honey, and made me almost dizzy in the head. She's the only one who made my heart ram against my chest. She's the only one who made me feel this way.
   Without breaking the kiss, I picked her up and spun her around one last time. She gasped and laughed, pecking my lips once more. I set her down, hearing our favorite song come on. She struck a pose, her hand held out for mine.
   "Shall we jam?" She asked with a smirk on her face. God, I love this girl. I grabbed her hand and nodded, striking a pose as well.
"We shall!"

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now