Luck Of The Irish(Lime Part TwO)

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(Warning: Mild undressing. They only take off their shirts. If you do not like this, please don't read. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.)

   The ride home seemed to be anything but calm. The tension could be felt in the air, Jack kept peeking over at you. You tried to listen to the radio, but you found yourself looking at Jack instead. The way he bit his bottom lip from time to time, the way his hand curled tightly around the steering wheel, and the way he looked over at you.
   "Lass, your killing me." He said, breathing out and chuckling. In a few short minutes you had reached his house. You both got out, holding the bag of goodies, and walked into the house. You put both of the bags on the table and turned around.
   "Finally." Jack said, grabbing you and pushing you against the counter. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck. He latched his lips onto your neck and started placing kisses there. Your heart fluttered at the touch and you enjoyed the feeling. Jack gripped your tightly and walked over to the couch, where he pushed you gently down.
   "Now, we can finish what we started." Jack said, winning at you before kissing you. The kiss was agonizingly slow and gentle, lips moving in sync. His hands pulled you in his lap, your legs straddling his hips. You gripped the bottom of his shirt and tugged up. He got the message, breaking the kiss to throw his shirt behind the couch.
   You trailed down his chest with your fingers, just enjoying the feeling of him against you. He tries to stay calm as you felt him. He watched you with wide eyes as you took your time tracing his collar bone, his chest, and his stomach. You followed your fingers as you pressed your palms against his chest. You could feel the warmth blazing underneath you. You smiled softly at Jack, who was slightly trembling from keeping himself under control.
   "Your so beautiful." He whispered, caressing your cheek. You kissed him, this time deepening it greatly. He bit your bottom lip this time, feeling his tongue trace it. You shivered and pressed against him tightly. With one quick motion, he pulled your shirt up. You held your arms up until the shirt landed on the table behind you. You giggled, blushing madly as he laid you beneath him.
   He was gentle with everything he did. You wrapped your legs around his waist. He moaned when you started grinding against him. He moved against you, his hands running through your hair. Your hands felt his back muscles as they flexed against his skin. You leaned up and kissed his chest, leaving marks all over his skin. Jack moaned and held your arms above your head.
   "My turn, Lass." He said sweetly, watching you tug at his grip. He shook his head at you and bent down to your neck. You gasped when you felt his teeth graze your skin. You desperately wanted to touch him, but he wouldn't let you budge. His soft lips messaged your neck, leaving marks of his own on you. You stifled your moans, trying to stay quiet. Jack pulled away and looked at you, a huge smile on his face.
   "I want to hear you." Jack said shyly, blushing a deep red. You giggled and shook your head, looking down in embarrassment. Jack chuckled and gave you a sly smirk, going back to your neck. You closed your eyes and breathed quickly, feeling goosebumps rise on your skin. You bit your lip, grunting a little to keep from making too much noise. Jack grinded harder against your hips, making you arch your back and gasp.
   Jack took advantage and kissed you, his fingertips trailing to the hem of your sweatpants. You leaned your head back and let out a moan, causing Jack to laugh against your shoulder. He pulled you back up in his lap, both of you red in the face and breathing hard. You cleared your throat, pushing your hair out of the way. He captured your lips in a gentle,hot, kiss. When he pulled away, he kissed all over your face.
   "Well that was..." Jack started.
   "Amazing."  You both said it at the same time, bursting out into laughter. He leaned over and grabbed your shirt, handing it to you. You slipped it on quickly, trying to cool off. Jack reached over to get his shirt, but you grabbed his arm. You looked down his body, biting your lip.
"You are NOT covering this up." You said, pointing at his body. He chuckled and nodded, tossing his shirt back to the ground. He pulled you close, kissing your nose.
"Damn, the things you do to me."

(Dang! It got a little steamy XD. Well, I tried! Hope you all like it!)

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