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A/N: I'm not crying! Pshhhh....My eyes are just...sweating.. BTW SHUPLOC'S ART IS SO AMAZING OMG!

Today, Mark just seemed..distant. He seemed to be in his recording room more. Your conversations were pointless, he put no effort in continuing one. His responses were short and quick, it wasn't Mark. Eventually, you just left him be, but worried throughout the day. Hours went by, still no sign of him coming out. You watched the rain patter softly against the window near you, your only entertainment for the day so far.
   Finally, you heard the door open to his room. He was quiet, his soft footsteps leading down the hallway. You smiled, maybe now you could spend some time with him. He turned the corner, looking down at his phone. Your smile wavered as he just walked past you and into the kitchen. You sighed, following him.
    "So..did you get more videos done today?" You asked cheerfully, or at least trying to. He just nodded and reached into the fridge. He didn't smile or look up at you, making your heart squeeze. You were on the verge of snapping, but decided to see what was going on. 
    "What's up with you tonight?" You demanded, keeping your voice gentle and steady. Still, he didn't look up as he shrugged at you. You pinched the bridge of your nose and shook your head, you couldn't understand.
    "Obviously there is something wrong if you won't even look at m-"
    "Look I'm just tired! Why the hell are you getting on my back for that!?" He burst out, startling you. You looked at him, your confusion growing as he seemed to be glaring at you. You tried to talk, but his voice rose and caused concern to lodge itself in your throat.
    "You've been on me all day about being in my room! Lay off, will you!? I just want more time to record videos! You standing here telling me off and bitching is not helping my mood right now! Don't you know when to leave somebody the fuck alone!?" He yelled, his hand clenched tightly around his phone. He had a scowl on his face, his hair falling but there was not made an attempt to be fixed.
    "I-I-I....U-Uhh..." You couldn't seem to find the words to say. You could feel the tears burning your eyes but you bit your lip and refused to let them fall. His outburst had startled you, maybe even scared you. This was not Mark, he was kind and gentle..not furious.
    "That's what I thought! You just love to annoy people don't you?!"
    "Stop it Mark.."
  "I'm right aren't I? You can't just get the damn message, can you!? Huh!?"
    "Just leave me the fuck al-"
   "FINE! IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT THEN CONSIDER ME GONE!" You ended up exploding, your voice breaking in the sentence. His eyes immediately went a little softer, instead of the hard chocolate brown they turned into moments before. You didn't realize tears were running down your face until you felt something cold trickle on your arm.
    Mark had a look of complete horror on his face, almost like he was just now remembering what he had said. His words ran dizzily in your head, making the tears cause a sob to choke out. His face dropped, his eyes getting watery. He was stuttering to make the right words but you were already walking to the door.
   "(Y-Y/N)! D-Don't go...P-Please.." Mark begged, causing you to hastily wipe the tears that continued to soak your face. You shook your head and opened the door quickly.
    "I get it..I'm going for a...walk. I got the message Mark..I did." You muttered, slamming the door behind you and letting the cool night air caress your chilled face as you walked alone the sidewalk. With every footsteps, you left the warm and inviting house, the man inside that was beating himself up for what he just did....

I hope you are enjoying my book so far!!! Just wanted to say that there will be a second part to this story. Didn't feel like it was right to leave it on a bad note like this huh? So be ready for the next chappie!

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