First, "I Love You." Jack

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! So a reader suggested this imagine. Thank you for telling me! Thank you guys so much for staying here with me. You mean more to me than people over here, not in a screen. You guys just mean a lot to me, remember that.)

   You giggled as Jack smiled up at you. He was currently finishing up in outro, headphones shoved on his ears. He reached over and shut his camera off, spinning around in his chair. He stood up, winking at you as he pulled you in his arms.  He pressed his soft lips gently against your forehead. You sighed softly, hugging him tightly.
   "Hey there, Lass. What's the plan for today?" He asked, your smile widening at the sound of his accent. You traced with your fingertips on his arm, drawing patterns as you thought it over. Finally, you pulled him out into the hallway.
   "I was thinking we could go to the park. Its a great day and I haven't used my camera yet!" You exclaimed, pulling on your beanie and converse. He chuckled and nodded, slipping on his jacket and opening the door for you. With your camera jangling around your neck, you two headed out. It was a cloudy day, but the sunshine was trying to come out.
   He intertwined his fingers with yours as you two talked and headed towards the park. He made faces at you, which you returned. This ended up being a full out face challenge to see who could make the funniest. Jack had obviously been practicing because he was the one winning.
   "Sexy as shit." Jack nodded confidently after making one of his funniest faces. You snorted with laughter and covered your mouth with your hand. When you two made it to the park, there were only a few people strolling about. You pulled your camera in your hands, snapping a quick picture of a yellow butterfly sitting on a rose. Jack watched you quietly.
   He loved the way your tongue poked out of the side of your mouth as you concentrated. Or when your eyebrows furrowed together as your eyes locked on the butterfly. He bit his lip, noticing his hands shaking a little bit. He wanted to tell you something, something very important. He just didn't know when the right time was.
    You turned around, seeing him sitting on a wooden bench. Your eyes flickered to the fog surrounding him, and the wind blowing his green hair around. You smiled and raised the camera to your eyes. He smiled at you and let you take a decent picture of him. Then, he swung his legs over and hung upside down on the bench, making a funny face. You giggled and snapped the picture, clapping for him.
   "Your my sunshine in the darkness." You said quietly to him, blushing. You both chuckled as he pulled you close and held the camera in front of you two. You both smiled as he flashed it. Then, he leaned over and kissed your cheek, making you blush before he took another picture. Funny faces, lovey Dovey eyes, and kisses were all in the flashes that Jack took of you two. Finally, you took it back and leaned away from Jack to get one more picture of him.
   You leaned a little too far and started falling backwards. Jack reached over to grab you but ended up falling as well. Both of you ended up on the ground, Jack being on top. You both burst out into laughter as Jack helped you back up on your feet. You two locked eyes, and Jack knew it was now or never.
   "L-Lass?" Jack said, looking at the ground. You looked at him in confusion, Jack never stuttered. His cheeks were dusted with blush and he was kicking at the rocks below his feet. You grabbed his hand and smiled when he looked up. He smiled back, but pursed his lips.
  "I need to tell you something." You stomach churned as you nodded and watched him scratch the back of his neck. He took a deep breath and pulled you closer, caressing your cheek.
   "You don't have to say it back. You just mean so much to me, I have to say it. (Y/N)....I love you." The word stuck in your mind as you looked at him shocked. He bit his lip and searched  your eyes frantically. You smiled so big it hurt as you crashed your lips on his. He kissed you back and grinned at you. You hugged him tightly, laughing giddily.
   "I've been waiting for you to say that for months. I..I love you too,Jack. I love you too." The words flew effortlessly from your mouth. It made your heart all warm and happy as the light sparkled in his blue eyes. He bubbled with excitement as he spun you around and cheered. People looked, but Jack didn't seem to mind. He held your hand, pulling your camera in front of you two.
   "I want to remember the day I finally told
You, I love you. Say cheese, Angel." Your heart fluttered as you turned towards the camera and smiled.

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