Supernatural Part 2

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    You walked home that night with a pounding heart and sweaty palms. You still couldn't believe you had just agreed on a deal with a..demon. A creature that you and Dean have hated to the core ever since you were born. Creatures that made Dean's blood boil and curse fly from his lips whenever the topic was talked about.
    You didn't know why you went through with the deal, but you just couldn't say no to this demon. There was something about him. You shook your head, kicking yourself for being so stupid. Now you were going to be responsible for possibly the murdering of those jocks. You dragged yourself to the front door, opening it quietly. You let yourself in, slowly shutting the door and walking to the living room.
   "Where the hell were you?" Dean's voice startled you, almost making you trip over your own feet. You caught yourself and kept your back to him, throwing yourself on the couch. You looked up to see Dean walking from the kitchen, a slice of pie in his hands. For how much pie he ate on a daily basis, you were honestly surprised he wasn't as big as a pig by now. He shoved in a mouthful of pie, chewing slowly.
    "I told you, I had a study session at the library. There is a math exam tomorrow that I had to study for." Your voice slightly shook, but he didn't seem to notice. Over the years, you had grown better at lying. Watching Dean really helped you practice. He nodded, though his eyes bored into yours.
    "It's midnight (Y/N), it shouldn't have taken you that long to study." You started to sweat.
    "I-It's a long walk from the library."
    "You could've called me. I would've picked you up."
    "I didn't want to be such a bother. Dean, I'm fine."
    "You still could've ca-"
   "Well I didn't, alright! Damn, get off my back! You know, I don't need you for everything." You snapped, glaring at him. His eyebrows raised in shock and he held his hand up. You sighed loudly and rolled your eyes. He sat down next to you, shoving your legs off the couch.
    "So, how'd the first day of school go?" He asked, his voice muffled by a full mouth. You shrugged and looked away.
    "No one likes me here. It's the same as always." Your shoulders hunched.
    "Awh, come on. Don't say that, it's just the first day."
    "This always happens Dean. I'm the loser little sibling while you're the popular older brother. You get all the friends, all the girls, all the popularity. You know what I get? I get spit balls in my hair, I get the stupid jocks pushing me around, and I get my books thrown around." You stood up, clenching your teeth. Dean went to stand up as well, but you were already bounding up the steps.
    You slammed your door shut, ignoring Dean's attempt to try and get you out. He eventually left, his stereo blaring, "Eye Of The Tiger." from his speakers. You threw yourself in bed, turning off the lights. Suddenly, you didn't feel too bad about the deal.
    Morning came too soon, and you two were hurrying to school. You rubbed your tired eyes and listened to Dean jamming out as he drove to school. He passed by several other girls in his class, giving each a wink and a wave. You sat lower in the seat, glaring at the dashboard.
   "Look, things will look up. Don't worry, little sis." Dean stated, ruffling your hair. You rolled your eyes and got out of the Impala, regretting even coming here. Your stomach was bunched tight with nerves as you looked around for the demon. You realized you didn't even know the demon's name.
   You headed down the hallway, spotting the group of jocks. You kept your head down as you unloaded your stuff in your locker and closed it. You heard footsteps lead closer to your locker and when you turned, it was the jocks. Shit, you thought.
    "Hey there. Look who's back again. Oh, how much fun this will be. You know, I would've left you alone. But you seem so fun to mess with." The jock said, pushing you away. You yelped and hit the wall, seeing no one else around. You could hear Dean's voice but it was fading as he went up the stairs.
    "Fuck off." You spit at him, glaring. The others laugh as they started shoving you around, not letting you stay still. You tried to throw punches but they dished easily and shoved you harder. Your vision blurred with tears and anger as you thrashed around. You suddenly caught the sight of the demon at the end of the hallway.
    He was smiling, his sharp teeth glistening under the harsh light. His green hair was slicked back, and his eyes were flashing black voids. He winked at you, raising his hand up. He rubbed his hands together for a few seconds before snapping one of his fingers. One of the jocks went to turn around when they all flew backwards. They slammed against the wall, all of them groaning.
    "TIME FOR THE FUN TO BEGIN!" The demon screamed, chuckling darkly. You gasped and covered your mouth as he made them all go up the walls. They hit the ceiling, their legs kicking and arms flailing. They struggled to open their mouths as the demon started strangling them. They let out gurgles and choked gasps. You stood in the middle of the chaos, eyes as wide as they could go.
    "Jackiboy wants to show them a little lesson." The demon, Jack, said darkly. He pointed at the other wall, making the jocks collide with each other. They collapsed on the ground, scrambling to get away. Jack's eyes were neon green now, licking his lips and nodding. He dragged the jocks down the hall, their nails scratching against the tiles. You started screaming, shaking your head and yelling at Jack.
   "(Y/N)!?" Dean yelled, causing you to turn your head. He gaped at the situation before him, looking at Jack. Jack simply waved and threw the jocks against the wall again. Blood smeared against the paint as one of the student's nose started bleeding. Dean sprinted to you, shoving you behind his back. He started spitting chants at Jack and pulling out the salt he always kept in his pocket.
   "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO STOP ME!? SHE'S THE ONE WHO SUMMONED ME." Jack pointed to you, a smirk on his face. The color in dean's face drained as he turned towards you. You felt your heart breaking at the betrayal in his eyes. He snapped back towards Jack, yelling the chants louder.
   Jack let the jocks fall, letting them weakly drag themselves to safety. He started walking towards you two, menacingly glaring. He raised his hand, making Dean start to choke. You shook your head, pulling out your book. Dean struggled for air as he shook out the salt around you two.
   "Stop." You said, seeing him get closer with each step. You opened the book, glaring at him. Jack challenged you and threw Dean down the hall. He groaned, hitting his head against the cement. Your anger flared as you flipped open your book and yelled one chant. Jack froze, his eyes going wide. He shook his head, sinking to his knees.
   "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Jack screeched, his eyes flashing red with anger. He changed tongues, cursing and throwing his head around like a mad man. Blood ran from his eyes and mouth as you continued your chant. You didn't think everything would go so wrong. All you wanted was the bullying to stop. This was so much worse. Dean stumbled over to you, glaring into your eyes with a heated glare.
   "We will discuss how you just made shit hit the fan..but for now..we have a demon to exorcise."

(I'm sorry if it seems rushed. I'm tired and not sure what I'm writing XD.)

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