Muscle stimulator

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   "Are you sure this won't hurt?" You asked nervously, looking at the pads stuck to your arms and below your neck. Jack chuckled and nodded to you, holding the stimulating device in his hands. You cleared your throat, giggling a little.
   "Let's get started!" He said into the camera, smiling widely and turning on the game. It was,  "Evil Within." You sighed, knowing how hard you had to concentrate to play this type of game. You held the controller, your stomach churning. You watched Jack's stimulating video before doing this, so you had an idea of how this would go.
   "I'm going to turn it to 8 to start out. It's not going to hurt, but it will feel very weird. GOOD LUCK!" He yelled, pressing the button and turning to watch you. You took a deep breath, starting to play the game. It was decent for about two seconds, then you started to feel strange. 
   "Shit..." You said, feeling a strange surge of electricity course through your muscles. Your arms started twitching and jerking, even when you were held perfectly still. Your thumbs jerked over the buttons, making your player spin around in circles. You scrunched up your face, your hand trembling as you grinded your teeth.
   "" You stuttered through the 10 seconds that dragged on. Jack was beside you laughing his ass off, holding his stomach. You burst out laughing, being able to control your arms again. You jumped in your seat as you were chased down by a chainsaw maniac in the game.
   "OH...OH...OH...OH!" You yelled, your voice rising by the second. You looked over to see Jack turning the dial without you knowing, an devious smirk on his face. You were going to slap him, if you could just move your hand. Your muscles twitched more, this time both of your arms tensing and clenching the controller.
   You let out grunts, making funny faces as you tried to keep your arms from flying up. Your character in the game ran into the chainsaw, resulting in you getting killed. You took deep breaths, trying to stop your laughter.
   "I CAN DO THIS...I CAN DO THI-HOLY BALLS I CANT CONTROL MY ARMS!" You shouted, dropping the controller as your hands shot up. Your fists clenched as you gritted your teeth and leaned back into the chair. Even through the weird pulses of electricity, you were laughing.
   Jack held your hand, which was probably a very bad idea. He turned it up just a little bit more, holding in his giggles. You let out a sigh, your arms feeling very tingly and weird. He stared at you, waiting for it to kick in. It came slow, which made it even worse.
   "Okay, now squeeze me hand...okay let go...let go (Y/N)...CRAP!" He said, not being able to let go of your grip. Once the surge started, you clamped down on his hand. You both were shouting in laughter as you squeezed the life out of his hand. You couldn't control your movements or let go until it was over.
   "God damn." Jack pouted, cradling his hand into his chest but smiling. Afterwards, once the pads were off, you rubbed your arms. Jack chuckled at you and followed you into the kitchen.
   "Never knew you were that strong." Jack said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You giggled and posed for him, both of your arms by your head. You went to flex, but squeaked when your sore muscles protested. You glared at Jack, watching him walk away. With a quiet giggle, you grabbed one of the pads, stuck it under his shirt, and pressed the button.
   "What are yo-AHHHH SON OF A BITCH!" He shouted, scrambling to tear the pad off.

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