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(A/N: Hey guys. :-). It's almost 1AM over here and I just wanted to write another imagine. This one is a little emotional. Gah. Enjoy you guys <3)

     You were sipping a cup of coffee in the kitchen, leaning on the counter and watching the TV from there. Jack said he was almost done with his recording, then you two could go on your planned date with friends. Suddenly, the phone started ringing.
   You didn't know why, but your stomach churned and you felt sick. Worry started gnawing at you, making you hesitant in picking up that phone. You finally did pick it up, holding it to your hear. You heard a shaky voice from the other end, it was your father's.
   "(Y/N)? I have s-something to tell you. I'm so sorry sweetie...your mother...she.." You felt your whole world just seem to stop right then and there. Your eyes went wide, the cup slipping from your fingers. It shattered into a million pieces on the hardwood floor, spilling what was left of your coffee around your feet.
   Your father explained what had happened, barely getting out the words fast enough. You had never heard your dad cry before, it was painful just to hear. Once you hung up, you didn't move from your spot. It seemed that you were rooted to it. You couldn't understand why this was happening, it hurt.
   You felt your hands shaking, frozen in the air, and the tears that freely streamed down your face. You heard a door open and close, the sound of quiet footsteps leading towards you. Suddenly, you felt Jack's hands on your shoulders, his face looking into your eyes.
   He shook you a few times, worry written all over his face. You finally looked at him, a sob breaking through your sealed lips. You collapsed to your knees, covering your face with your hands. Jack instantly held you in his arms, managing to get a few words out of you.
   He gasped, realizing what had happened. He hugged you tighter as you broke down and started screaming and crying. He held your wrists tightly when you tried to punch, he kissed your forehead when you started shaking, and he whispered words softly into your ear to try and calm you.
   After so many hours, you managed to stop the tears. The pain you felt hurt so much, you didn't understand. Jack's heart broke at the sight of his girlfriend, of you. He didn't seem to leave your side all night. You stared blankly at the floor, blinking slowly. It was still sinking in. Jack gently pulled you to your room.
   You couldn't make yourself move, so Jack helped you change. Tears ran down your face as he pulled the shirt over your head. He teared up at you, kissing the tears away and caressing your face gently. He made you sit in his lap on the couch, the sound of the TV playing in the background. Images of your mother played in your head, causing you to start shaking again.
   " Baby breathe, I'm here for you. Just let it out. I'm not leaving. I'm here..shh." Jack whispered, pushing your head to his neck. You buried your face in it, the tears starting once again. You felt his fingers slowly run through your hair as he whispered and peppered kisses all over you.
   He did this for hours on end, right up until you ended up falling asleep with a red and tear stained face, and trembling tired limbs. Even as you lightly slept, he was running his fingers through your hair and occasionally kissing your head. Even as your tears stained his shirt, he let you sleep on him and continued to hold you throughout the night.


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