Happy Valentine's Day

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! So I'm feeling a bit better, a lot better than yesterday. Still feeling not good but I have been getting better at the updates. Anyway, it's currently 5am, and I can't sleep. So here ya go! Happy V-Day lovelies.)

   "I hate Valentine's Day." You grumbled to your friend. You both were sitting at the park, enjoying the chilly morning and the buzz of activity going on. Your friend giggled at you, of course she didn't think so. She had a boyfriend to spend with on this day. You didn't. You made a face as you heard them kissing beside you.
   "I'm going to hurl if you don't stop." You warned them, making them eventually stop and apologize. Of course you were jealous of her, but you would never tell that to her face. You watched the little kids run around and play while the parents spent time together on the benches or ground.
   "You need yourself a man, (Y/N)! Soon would be nice, quit being such a Single Pringle!" Your friend exclaimed, winking at you. You automatically blushed and glared at your friend. It wasn't your fault you couldn't find anybody, you just didn't have a guy that made it feel right.
   You scanned through the park, hearing your friend currently have a make out session. Groaning, you got up and started walking around. They didn't even notice you were gone. Rolling your eyes, you walked down the path, hearing chattering and laughing throughout the way. You enjoyed this moment, it was nice. The park was alive with activity, one of the busiest times of the year.
   You weren't looking where you were going and suddenly ran into something. You gasped as the both of you stumble backwards. You right yourself and look over at the person you just bull dozed over. It was a man, a very attractive man at that. He had light blue hair that blew in his face. His bright brown eyes stared into yours. He had shapely pink lips and a sharp jawline. He fixed his unzipped jacket, showing black and red flannel underneath.
   "I am terribly sorry! I should've looked where I was going!" You said, flustered. He chuckled and when he smiled, it almost made your heart skip. He had a smile that seemed the light the whole world, excuse the cheesiness. You nervously smiled back, and realized he had been staring at you for awhile.
   "Would you like to sit by the pond with me? It's the least you can do for pushing me." He chuckled again, making your face bright red. You nodded and followed him a bench on the edge of the pond. You two talked for what seemed like hours, introducing yourself, about how both of you were single on Valentine's Day and plenty other things. Mark looked at you for a moment before turning away.
   "Well, since you don't have anyone special on Valentine's Day...would this help?" Mark asked, turning back towards you. He held a rose in his hand, currently plucked from a flower bush beside him. You smiled widely and blushed again. He raised his hand and gently out it in your hair, behind your ear.
   "Gorgeous, if I do say so myself." He said in a low voice, winking. You cleared your throat and giggled. You've never had this with anyone special, but it seemed maybe...just maybe...you were going to have someone to spend with today. From the looks of it, Mark didn't mind at all.

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