Soulmate Tattoo Part 2

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    You woke up, feeling awake and excited. Today was the day you were heading to convention. You were excited to meet your fans and have a fun day. You were doing a Q&A panel with your pals; Felix, Bob, Jack, and Wade. You hopped out of bed, stretching before getting ready. You had a plane to get, so you wanted to make sure you were there plenty early. You straightened your hair, placing your favorite beanie on the top of your head. You slipped on a black and white striped long sleeve, and your ripped skinny jeans. Putting on more makeup than usual, you wanted to look nice, you shoved on your trusty old converse and headed out the door. Once you made it to the airport, you didn't waste time loading and picking a seat. While waiting, your phone was exploding from your friend's messages.



"You guys are such children. Everyone says I am the dad of you guys -_-."- Bob

"I'm sorry bob, you have to deal with these lunatics! Come on Felix, it's obvious I am going to rock the panel." - Wade

You giggled and shook your head, putting your phone away as the plane lifted off. While settling in, your mind suddenly went back to the man at the library. You blushed slightly as you remembered how handsome he was. You were still curious as to why he wore long sleeves like you. Of course, he could've just been cold, or just wanted to wear sleeves. You couldn't help but wonder what tattoo he had. You frowned at the thought of him already having a soulmate. You sighed, looking down at your wrist. Stupid tattoo, you thought angrily. You looked out the window, trying not to let your day be ruined by your own thoughts. You cleared your mind of the red haired boy and tried to get some more sleep.

You awoke when the plane was being landed. You checked your phone, seeing your buddies continue their entertaining conversation while you were asleep. You chuckled and scrolled through them as you grabbed your stuff and headed off the plane. You pushed through the crowds of bustling people and finally checked into a hotel. The boys were staying in the same one, but they were already at the convention. So, unpacking and throwing your things into the room, you quickly made your way to the building. Once there, you were escorted backstage, where all of them were waiting. They cheered as you entered the room. You smiled and hugged all of them, too excited to keep quiet. At times you caught them stare down at your wrist, making your mood slightly drop. They all already knew what happened to your tattoo, and they never failed to try and make you feel better.

"You all have three minutes!" A guy with a headset on exclaimed, giving you all a thumbs up. You all cheered and high fived, getting all hyped up. You looked at all of their tattoos, feeling a pang of jealousy course through you. You looked at Jack's as he was talking to all of you guys. He was wearing at gray T-Shirt, happily showing off his Soulmate Tattoo. It was of a black rose, it's beautiful petals damp from sparkling water drops that sprinkled across its petals. Felix had on a bright red dress, with a big bonnet to match. He twirled around, exclaiming how Kawaii he was being. His tattoo was on his bicep, and it was of three tiny daisies tangled together. Bob had a tattoo of a heart rate that circled his wrist. Lastly, Wade had one on his neck, and it was of a small, smiling, skull.

"Alright people! Let's get this show on the road!" A man called out, motioning for you to come out. You snapped out of your thoughts and joined the guys on stage. The audience roared with cheering as you all jogged out and waved to them. You all introduced yourselves and started some jokes and funny games to start off and relax everybody. You had a blast as the games went on, and finally the questioning began. You all sat in chairs and on a couch on the stage, staring at a large screen in front of you all. You were reading off the questions, and all of you were answering them. You cleared your throat, smiling out at the crowd.

"This is for Jack and Felix. We want you two to imitate each other. We know it is not a question, but it will be hilarious." They crowd chuckled and Jack and Felix nodded and stood up. Felix started trying to attempt an Irish dance, while screaming about potatoes. Jack winked to the crowd and posed in various stances while calling himself a hairy meatball. You snorted and let them sit down while you ran through more questions. Felix and Jack ended up doing cartwheels, Bob would rather cuddle with Jack than anybody else, Wade had to propose to Felix, and you all had to sit down and play a very dirty round of Cards Against Humanity.

"Well! I think this has been a very day! I am so thankful for all of you who stayed and watched this madness unfold! We all appreciate everything you all do! SO, with that..thank you all so much for co-" You were cut off, resulting in the crowd being silent. You caught the eyes of one familiar man, one who smiled at you.

It was Mark.

" to (Y/N)?" You heard Jack say into the microphone. The crowd chuckled, but you couldn't look away from him. He raised his hand and waved to you, his eyes shining. Your eyes realized he was wearing a T-shirt, his sleeves gone. His arms shown, a muscle forming as he waved. Your mouth dropped open as you saw the tattoo on his wrist. It was dimly lit, but you knew what you were seeing was true. His wrist tattoo was warped and twisted, the picture unable to be seen. You could make out a distorted heart...and part of a key hanging next to it. You gasped, covering one hand with your mouth. At this point, people were turning around to see what just had made you freeze. Felix walked up and shook your shoulders, confusion set on his face.

"" You stuttered, blinking a couple times. Mark's face dropped as he saw you start to push back your sleeve. You held your breath as you ripped your sleeve up, exposing your tattoo to everyone. You held your arm up, letting the light hit it. You watched Mark's face very carefully, seeing his own mouth drop open. Jack motioned for Mark to make his way to the stage, finally realizing what was happening. You stood there, your hand shaking. Mark quickly walked up the isle and climbed onto the stage, his eyes wide. Felix and the rest were smiling widely, clapping slowly. There were gasps from around the room, but eventually everyone started to cheer and clap as well. Mark smiled softly at you, both of you holding your arms up.

"I...I never thought I would've never found.." Mark trailed off, looking at your wrist. You were smiling so big it hurt, and you couldn't help but hug him. He was startled at first, but instantly hugged you back. He was chuckling as you pulled away. He grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Your wrists touched, making his warped key tattoo touch the keyhole on your tattoo heart. You felt sparks trail down your arm and you looked him in the eyes. He smiled, the look of happiness on his face making you tremble with excitement. He cradled your cheek and leaned close.

"I have finally found my Soulmate..and I am NEVER letting go." He whispered, and pressed his soft lips against yours. You eagerly kissed him back and pulled him close, hearing your fans and your friends go ballistic around you.

You had finally found the key to unlock your heart..

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