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   You took a deep breath as you walked with Jack towards the airport. You and Jack wanted to fly out to (F/C), where your parents lived and spend time with them. Doing that, meant flying. You were terrified of heights, just like Jack was. You tightened your grip on his hand, making him smile and look over at you.
   "Deep breaths, baby. I'll be right there beside you." You nodded, your stomach churning at the thought of being thousands of feet into the air. Once you had your luggage packed and led to your seats, your heart started pounding. You heard a baby crying softly behind you, and the sound of chatter around you.
   "Babe, breathe. Your as pale as me right now. Everything is going to be fine, I promise." Jack's gentle voice snapped you out of your daze. You have watched enough movies to know that everything will probably NOT be fine. You nodded to him anyways, hearing the attendants say it was time for lift off. You gulped and tried to stop your hands from shaking.
   Jack noticed and felt bad for you as he held your hands in his. To top it off, you were by a window. You felt the plane moving, making you gasp and start to tremble. You were deeply embarrassed of how you were acting, but Jack didn't laugh or judge. He would have been nervous as well, but he's flied on enough planes to get used to it.
   "Once were in the air, you'll feel better. Just focus on me, okay? I'm right here Lass. I'm not going anywhere." You concentrated on his face and his voice. You looked at his bright blue eyes, the color of a calm sea. You breathed in his lingering cologne, your favorite on him. You focused on his touch as he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb. Soon, you felt calm and you were able to stop shaking so hard.
   "There you go baby. See, nothing to be scared of." He whispered, kissing your forehead softly and grinning at you. You giggled and took a deep breath. Everything was going fine until the plane jerked a little, enough to make you move in your seat.
   "We're going to die." You said, trembling once again. Jack chuckled and shook his head, making you look around at all the calm and quiet people. You didn't like how your body swayed in the plane, how little creaks and groans could be heard, and how at any second you could be spiraling towards the ground.
   "I-I don't like this.." You whimpered to Jack. He shushed you and put his arm around your shoulder. Throughout the flight, he whispered in your ear. Even as night fell and you were still scared out of your mind, Jack was there telling you all kinds of stories. He did this until you fell asleep on his shoulder, making him kiss you on the nose before settling back in and getting some more sleep.
See, he promised everything would be fine.

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