Don't Leave

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It was a quiet night,both of you asleep in bed. The wind rustled the trees quietly, the tips of its branches scratching against the pane glass window. Mark had his arm wrapped securely around your waist, pulling you closer towards his chest in his deep sleep. You were shifting slightly, your dream taking a turn for the worst.
You dreamt you were on the beach with Mark, the sun shining and the wind blowing. You were currently swimming in the ocean, laughing as the water lapped at your neck. You sighed in content, and looked around for Mark. You spotted him a ways on the shore, talking to some girl. You looked at him curiously, and gasped when you saw them holding hands.
"MARK!" You shouted, your arms growing tired from swimming. You started towards the shore, but with every stroke you seemed to not go anywhere. Mark didn't even acknowledge you as they giggled and laughed together. The girl wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned close to him. You shook your head and pushed yourself to reach the shore. You could hear Mark's laugh as you finally made it to the sand.
"Mark!? Mark!?" You shouted again, running towards him. The girl grabbed Mark's face and crashed her lips onto his. He kissed her back deeply, gripping her hips and pressing her closer to him. Your heart exploded into sadness as you screamed at them. Finally, Mark turned towards you and glared.
"Fuck off, (Y/N). I never loved you, nor do I care anymore. I found someone better, fuck off." Mark snarled, turning his attention back to bouncy blonde in front of him. Your heart ached horribly as you screamed over and over at Mark. Your body shakes and roughly moves around.
"(Y/N!) (Y/N!)" Mark's voice invaded your mind as he shook you awake. His voice was urgent and concerned. Your eyes snapped open and you sat up. You cried out, hitting Mark in the chest over and over. Mark restrained you and held you close. You sobbed into him, tears soaking his bare chest. He shushed you while rubbing your back soothingly.
"DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE DON'T!" You cried out, your voice breaking. It had all felt so real, too real. The pain still lingered in your chest. It took Mark an hour and a half to finally calm you down. You sniffled and wiped your red eyes, looking at the floor. Mark forced you to look up at him.
"Baby? What happened? All of sudden you were screaming and crying!? What dream did you have baby?" Mark asked quietly. You took a deep breath and looked at him with teary eyes. Mark's red hair was tousled and messy as he kissed your forehead softly.
"I had a d-dream where you were with someone else. A blonde girl at the b-beach. You said you never loved me, that you didn't care anymore. I t-tried to call you, but you kissed her. Mark, you didn't love me a-anymore." Your voice choked and you broke down again. Mark frowned and pulled you in his lap. He kissed your hand over and over, hugging you tightly.
"Now that is a bunch of bull, baby. I would never hurt you like that. Nor would I ever leave you. Your my soul mate babygirl, my whole world. I wouldn't give you up for some fake blonde bitch. Your my girl, and I'm your guy. That's that baby, no one else." Mark whispered in your ear, running his hands down your back. You sniffled and smiled at him. He leaned close and kissed you. It was a sweet and slow embrace.
A kiss that said, "Everything is going to be okay." You eagerly kissed his soft lips back and sighed. He pulled you under the covers and cuddled you warmly. Wiping your tears with his fingers, he pecked your lips.
"I'm never leaving you baby girl, I'm yours forever..and I'm here to stay."

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