I Win

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   "No way! I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back, Lass!" Jack scoffed, laughing at you. You giggled and shook your head, hands on your hips. You and Jack were best friends, and ALWAYS played games together. You were the one who convinced him to start a YouTube channel. Now it exploded into something much more and he could never thank you enough for it.
  "Alrighty you cocky son of a bitch, let's do this then." You stated, smirking at him. He chuckled and nodded, looking at the camera. He did his intro and explained what he was doing today. You watched him run his fingers through his green hair. You looked away, slightly blushing.
   "Alright, today we are having a competition. Of course, a friendly competition." With that, he gently shoved you to the side. You giggled and pushed him back. He had put in "Agario.io." He grabbed the mouse and keys, sticking his tongue out at you.
   "Okay! Every time (Y/N) and I die, we lose points. Let's get this game started. I'm going to win obviously." You rolled your eyes and watched him play. By the end of it, you were snorting with laughter.
   "GET AWAY YOU SNAKEY BITCH! NO! THE LAG OH GOD THE LAG! YOU MOTHER FUCKER! NO!" He shouted in desperation as another person ate him. He groaned in defeat, moving out of the way to let you sit down. As you two passed each other, your arms brushed. You looked up, seeing him staring into your eyes. You turned red and both of you cleared your throat.
   In the corner of your eye, you saw his pale cheeks slightly a blazed with blush as well. You tried concentrating on the game, but you could feel a certain feeling settling in the air. You always have had a slight crush on Jack ever since you two met. It seemed to grow bigger and bigger every time you see that green haired Irishman.
   "Holy crap! What the hell dude, not cool! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! DAMN IT LAG! NO!" Jack watched in amusement as you pressed the keys furiously to try and escape death. He has moved closer however, to see the screen better. Jack had been acting...different these past couple of weeks. He has even flirted with you, which made you more confused than ever. You ended up dying, throwing your hands up in frustration.
   "Ha! Let me try." Jack said, reaching for the mouse. Your hands fell down to the mouse at the same time as him. Your hands laid on top of each other. A couple seconds of silence allowed you two to stare down at your hands. He looked up at you and smiled a bit in embarrassment. You went to pull your hand away but Jack ended up grabbing it.
   "J-Jack?" You asked, seeing his smile widen as he intertwined them. You both were blushing but you felt a small coming on. He looked at you thoughtfully and you almost got lost in his sparkling blue eyes.
   "I've been wanting to do this you know. To see what it's like to hold your hand." You were surprised at his words as you broke out into smile. He leaned over to where you were a couple inches from your face. You watched his eyes flicker down to your lips then back at your face.
   "I wonder what it's like..to do this." He whispered, leaning in more. He pressed his lips against yours and kissed you. Your eyes widened for a moment then fluttered close. You kissed him back, tightening your grip on his hand. You both pulled away, surprised at what had just happened.
   "Jack!? The video, I-
   "I'll edit it out. Damn, it was better than I thought it would be." Jack said, his eyes happy and shining. You giggled and touched your lips with your fingertips, feeling the tingles. He took a deep breath, almost like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He looked over at the camera, then back at you.
   "I win, Lass."

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