Don't Go

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(So I've been thinking about this imagine for awhile. I don't know how this will go, or if you guys will like it. So here you go.)

   You sighed as you closed the door to your new house, turning around. You listened to the rain pounding above on top of the roof. You had to move into a new house once your mother passed away. You couldn't handle the painful memories lingering in your old house. So, you decided to move far away from your city to a sleepy little town.
    The house was a large and empty old house. The walls inside were peeling slightly and the hard wooded floor was covered with dust. It gave you an eerie feeling to it, but it was honestly a beautiful place. You had plenty to do as the movers came and you started to clean. You couldn't help the feeling of someone watching you.
After hours of lifting boxes, claiming dust away, and putting away dishes, you were finally done. You wiped sweat from your forehead and took a deep breath. You looked at the dust smudged on your arms and shrugged. Goosebumps suddenly rose on your skin as your neck pricked with a certain sensation.
You turned around slowly, your eyes flickering around the room. Your eyes locked with the hallway across from you, submerged in darkness. You shivered, rubbing your arms and shaking your head. Your ears ringed with the piercing silence that filled the room. You couldn't shake the odd feeling you got in your stomach when you were in this house.
"Maybe it's just in my head." You said quietly, putting your cleansing stuff away as you headed for the shower. You took your time washing your hair and relaxing. You thought about how lonely you were in this big house. How nice it would be to have someone to be here with you. With a sense of loneliness heavy in your heart, you got out and changed into more comfortable clothes.
Suddenly, something crashed in the living room. You gasped and clutched your chest, almost jumping out of your skin. Once your heart slowed to its normal pace, you peeked out of the door. The crash still echoed in your ears as you opened the door all the way. You stepped into the hallway, your bare feet feeling the chill of the hard floor.
   "What the..." You whispered, looking around the living room. Your eyes centered on the now broken vase scattered on the floor. You carefully stepped past the slivers of glass and grabbed a dust pan. You couldn't figure out why so much stuff was happening.
   "What the hell? I must be going crazy.."
   "No..." You barely caught it, but it was there. You heard someone reply back to you. You heard someone talk back. You froze, gripping the pan tightly. You spun around, seeing nobody behind you. Your heart pounded in your chest as your hands started to shake.
   "Hi..." You screamed and snapped around, finally seeing who was talking to you. It was a boy.. a green haired boy to be exact. He was standing inches from you, just staring. Your mouth dropped open as you noticed you could see the kitchen behind him. He was translucent, almost shimmering.
  His green hair was messy and covering his dull blue eyes. His chin and jawline were covered with a short trimmed beard. He had on a ripped sweatshirt and muddy jeans. His bare feet was touching the floor, but left no marks. Your eyes widened as you were rooted to your spot. He had a soft smile on his face, a hopeful smile. He looked lost and sad as he looked into your eyes. Once he started reaching his see through hand towards you, you screamed.
   "No wait!" His voice sounded distant, almost like he was in a tunnel. His pale hand grazed your arm before you fell down. You yelped as the glass cut into your foot. You scrambled up quickly, limping towards the door. You heaved for breath as you heard him calling for you. You never heard his footsteps, but suddenly you felt something cold grab your elbow. You looked up, seeing his pain stricken face look down at you. You couldn't register what was happening to you.
   "Please..don't go."

(Part Two, maybe?)

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