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   You and Sean were at a party that your friends had invited you to. It was a great time hanging with them and having a few drinks. Well, you had a few drinks. Sean on the other hand, went just a little overboard with the alcohol. After a couple hours of drinking and watching Sean stumble into a wall quite a few times, you decided to head home.
   "Your a pretty human being...I hope you know that." Sean slurred, patting your head as you helped him in the car. You giggled as he fumbled to get his legs into the car. Once you had made your way home, you had to also help him in the doorway. He was red in the face and giggling to himself as you sat him on the couch.
   "Now, mister. I need to get you into your pajamas and get you a glass of water. Stay here, okay?" Sean chuckled but didn't answer you. He started humming to himself, his eyes unfocused and looking around the room. You rolled your eyes and got the glass of water and came back. He stood up, leaning side to side as he tried to keep his balance.
   "Your going to regret this in the morning." You told him, helping his up the stairs and into your room. He shrugged and started rambling as you pulled out T-Shirt and sweatpants. You reached for his shirt, pulling it up.
   "Ooooh! Are we getting kinky now?" He hiccuped, flashing you his goofy smile. You shook your head and managed to pull it over his head, exposing his chest. He took you by surprise when he pushed you against the door that you had closed seconds before. You gasped and looked up at him, seeing him giggle.
   "If you insist." He whispered, distracting you as his lips connected with yours. His hands ran gently through your hair and pulled you closer. You ended up getting distracted by his kiss and forgetting completely about the fact that he was drunk. His hands travelled down your sides as he pressed against you.
   "Whoa whoa whoa! Okay, Jackiboy. You, are drunk my friend." You said, pulling away and getting come distant between you two. He whimpered and frowned, his hands grabbing in the air for you. You couldn't deny how adorable he was was. You finally got him in comfortable clothes and he simply face planted the bed.
   "Good luck with tomorrow." You whispered, letting his head lay in your lap as you played with his hair. Soon, he was out like a light and snoring his head off. You made sure there was a glass of water by his bed and a few pills. Knowing Sean, he would wake up the next morning with a killer headache.
Silly Sean never learns his lesson.

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