Sound Of Silence Part 2

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! So glad you guys are liking this imagine! Enjoy!)

    The school day suddenly was able to be bearable. Now that this new kid, Mark, had come along, you didn't feel so lonely anymore. He would sign back and forth to you and class, saying silent messages that no one else could understand. You found yourself smiling more, even feeling eager to get to school.
    You sighed, rubbing your tired eyes as the school hours dragged on. Today was a rainy and gray day, the perfect time to NOT be at school. Here you were though, enduring the awful lectures and the monotone voices of your teachers. You were writing down notes when something hit your head. You looked over, spotting three girls giggling and pointing at you. You knew who they were, and you knew they were cheerleaders.
    "Sorry, I must've missed the trash can. Oh wait, no I didn't." One of them said to you, bursting out in giggles. You rolled your eyes at them and continued writing your notes, ignoring the whispers. You wanted to stand up and scream at them, calling them every bad name you could think of. Of course, you wouldn't, so you didn't. You just sat there while little pokes could be felt on your head. You reached up and plucked several spitballs from your hair, glaring at them.
    "Ms. (Y/N), since you seem to keen on not paying attention..what's the answer for this question?" Your teacher said, his voice shattering the silence. Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked up and stared at the board. You read the question, your mourn going dry. You gulped, seeing students turn to look at you. All the teachers knew your speaking problem, but they didn't seem to care.
    They would continue calling on you for answers, and getting irritated and impatient when you didn't just say the answer. So, looking over the question again, you held up how many fingers that the answer was. Your teacher sighed, quite loudly may I add, and turned to the board. He nodded, writing down the answer. You could see other students rolling their eyes or shaking their head.
    "You know, (Y/N), this form of attention is very childish." You resisted the urge to let your mouth drop open, and just slumped lower into your seat. You felt your cheeks heat up as the three girls snickered at you.
    "Come on, mime girl. Talk already, your little joke is getting old." You ignored them, fighting back the tears. If only they knew what had caused your mouth to close forever. If only they knew the pain you felt when you decided to never let your voice be heard again. You jumped a little as the bell went off, kids scrambling to get out of this place.
    You collected your things slowly, head to the floor. The girls nudged past you, making mean remarks of their nickname to you, "Mime Girl." You trudged out of the class, books held tightly in your hands. You were almost to your locker when you felt someone tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see Mark. He smiled sweetly at you, making you instantly return one back to him.
    "How was classes today?" He asked, his voice smooth and quiet. It was nice to listen to, especially when you haven't listened to your own in so long. You shrugged, shaking your head. Mark opened his mouth to answer when his eyes glanced at your head. He pulled a few more paper wads out from the strands, holding them in the palm of his hand.
    "Like I said before..nobody likes me." You signed, your fingers moving slowly to form the words. His eyes softened as he chucked the wads to the floor, frowning. You packed your things, Mark looking at you in thought. It's been a week since he came here, since you two had become friends. You had told him what it was like here, at least what it was like for you. You never told him why you went silent, you just told him how badly everyone responded to it. By the end of it, your hands were cramped and tired.
    "I'm sorry that they're doing this to you. They have no right to treat you that way. This happened at my old school. Everyone just has to be a dick when people are different. Frankly, I like different." He said softly. You shut your locker, feeling a smile tug at your lips. You sighed though, your smile vanishing. He ran a hand through his red hair, fixing his glasses. He was wearing a black and red checkered flannel with black skinny jeans. He was looking handsome as always today.
    You went to look down at the floor when he lifted your chin up gently with his fingertips. You widened your eyes, your entire face blushing a scarlet red. He chuckled, motioning with his head to the group of popular people at the end of the hallway. Three of them were the cheerleaders who had decorated your hair with paper. He let go of your chin, holding his hands out.
    "Being different is okay, (Y/N). I like different, different is beautiful and unique..just like you. I'm your friend, (Y/N). I'll protect you, don't worry. I'm here for you..always will be."
    You read his hands, your eyes tearing up. For years, you were alone. For years you forgotten what having a friend was like, just because you didn't want to speak. You wanted to speak right then and now, but your throat tightened. You couldn't force the voice out, so you just smiled and nodded. You surprised him by hugging him, your arms going around his neck. He hugged you back, chuckling in your ear. You pulled away so he could look at your hands that were slightly trembling.
    "Thank you, Mark..thank you."

(Would you guys like to have you and Mark together in the end?)

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