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    You woke up early, hearing the silence ring in your ears. Your room was lit up by the wonderland outside. You gasped, climbing out of bed and rushing to the window. You took in the scenery, so beautiful it almost hurt to look at.
    The ground was covered in fluffy white snow, clean and smooth mounds scattered before your eyes. The trees were locked in glistening ice, the sun reflecting brightly off of them. Tiny snowflakes floated from the clouds and landed softly below. You smiled brightly, your hand touching the window. Your fingertips felt the icy chill of the morning as they left a print on the glass.
    "Beautiful." You heard Jack say from the bed, making you nod in agreement. You soon felt two arms wrap gently around your waist. You leaned back into him, feeling his soft lips leave kisses down your neck. You giggled and pulled away, the two of you quickly getting ready.
    "Babe? You ready?" Jack called from downstairs, the smell of coffee wafting in the air. You pulled on a pair of gloves and hurried downstairs to meet your boyfriend. He handed you a cup of coffee and gave you a sweet morning kiss with it. You sipped your drink, relishing in its warmth it made in your belly.
    You couldn't wait any longer as you set the cup down and ran outside. You heard Jack chuckling as he followed after you. You bounded into the snow, feeling its crisp and cold grasp bite into your cheeks. You laughed and threw handfuls of snow into the air.
    "SO PRETTY!" You shouted, falling back into the snow to make a snow angel. You look up to see his camera out, taking pictures of you. You covered your face, peeking through your fingers. He laughed and threw a snowball at you.
    "Ohhhh Jackiboy! You don't know who your messing with!" You warned, launching a snowball at his face. He dodged it easily and tackled you, pinning you against the snow. He stuck his tongue out at you and let you sit up, you two sitting in front of each other. His fingers pinched a snowflake caught in your hair, then let his fingers slide down your jaw.
    He leaned over and gently bit your nose. You giggled a bit, taking his hand in yours.
"Looks like Jack is nibbling on your nose." He winked at you, making your blush blaze on your cheeks. You pecked his lips quickly, secretly scooping snow in your hands. You smashed it on his head, leaping up.
"Why you little!" Jack shouted, laughing as he chased after you in the snow..

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