BlindFold Makeup Challenge

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! This story is requested by a reader!
Requested by: danosaur__  ENJOY!)

"Come on, this'll be fun!" Jack shouted, giggling and running to his recording room. A couple minutes ago, your boyfriend ran to you and practically jumped on you. He groaned in annoyance and buried his head in your neck. You were still shocked as you wrapped your arms around the Irishman. He pulled away just enough to look down at you and into your eyes.
"BABE! I AM HAVING A CRISIS HERE! I have no idea what to do for a let's play or a challenge. GIVE ME INSPIRATION!" He said, pushing his forehead against yours. You burst into laughter and tapped your chin, thinking. He stayed silent, occasionally you two pushing your heads back and forth.
"Oh! I know! You could do one of those...what's it called..hmm..OH one of those makeup challenges! Here's the it blindfolded!" Jack's little face lit up as he pulled you up and ran to his recording room. Once you arrived, he had it all set up and smiling brightly at you. Shaking your head, you went and grabbed your bag of makeup and a handkerchief.
Just as you were about to leave, he pulled you back into the room and shut the door. After a few seconds of pleading and his puppy eyes, you caved and decided to play with him.
"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND IM HERE WIH MY LOVELY GIRLFRIEND (Y/N)!" Once he explained, he grabbed the cloth and tied it gently around your eyes. You were kinda excited, but nervous.
"Okay, just don't poke my eyes out." Jack said nervously, chuckling. You shrugged at him, your fingers searching for the foundation. Jack eventually handed it to you, and you put a glob into your hands. Jack made a noise, making you giggle.
"Oh my god! This feels disgusting! Why do you like this stu-ITS IN MY BEARD!" You giggled loudly as you blindly smeared the foundation where you thought it should go. Jack grumbled as he handed you the eyeliner.
"Oh god..." Jack whispered, waiting for you to possibly jab into his eyes. You carefully felt his face until you felt where his eye was, then quickly started to try and color it. Jack constantly twitched or moved, making your hand jump and mess up.
"Well...I guess that's where my eye could be." Jack said, laughing so hard he was leaning away from you. He handed you the eyeshadow and watched you clumsy mix the colors and bring them to your face. His face wasn't where you thought it was, and almost fell forwards.
"...I guess it's blush now?" Jack stated, telling you it was nowhere near his eyes. You started to randomly guess, smearing it anywhere you touched skin. You could feel Jack's laugh vibrate on your fingertips, making you smile as well.
"Now, we need to add mascara and powder, then we will be done. You are going to look beautiful...maybe." You said, grabbing the tube of mascara and opening it. Jack made another noise as you scraped his forehead with the brush. You giggled as he broke out into laughter as well.
"SIMMMBBBAAAA!" He shouted, letting you paint streaks around his eye, on his nose, and finally some on his eyes. Once you patted the powder all over his face, and he had finished coughing, you were done. He untied it, and let it fall slowly down your neck. The sight of his face made you bend over and shriek with laughter.
He looked like a clown that had been dunked in a bucket of water. He chuckled along with you and started posing like a model, adding "Oohs" and "Awhhs" in his little strut. He finally did his outro, making a face as he wiped his hands across his cheek. You held his hand, leading him to the bathroom.
"Come on Mrs. SepticEye...we have to get you cleaned up." Jack responded with a flick of his wrist, holding onto your fingertips gingerly as he pranced down the hallway, commenting on how gorgeous he looked.

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