Little Surprise

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! Yes, this is a picture that I have taken. This is my baby goat KitKat. She was recently born and it made me want to make a cute little imagine about it. Hope you guys enjoy <3)

   You had just woken up, rubbing your eyes and looking around. It took a minute for you to realize you weren't in you and Mark's house. You then remembered you had flown out to
your parent's house to spend the weekend with them. Mark was sleeping soundly next to you, but what was the fun in that?
   "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" You whispered loudly in his ear, making him stir and groan. You giggled and poked his sides until he sat up and glared at you. You gently moved his blue hair from his eyes and kissed his nose. He let out a sigh and blushed, dropping the harsh stare. He cracked a smile and tackled you down, pinning you underneath him. You erupted in giggles as he tickles your ribs and kissed your face.
   After you two had your fun, you got dressed and had breakfast with your parents. Your mother absolutely adored Mark, he was such a gentleman. Once you had put away the dishes, your dad quickly walked through the door. He smiled at you, pointing outside.
   "Looks like we have another one." Mark looked at you in confusion, but you grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. The chilly air bit your skin as you both rushed to the barn up ahead. Once inside, you heard several bleats from a goat. Mark chuckled as he walked up to the mother laying on the ground. You instantly kneeled down and patted the goat on the head.
   "Old Betsy did it again." You said, kissing the top of its head. Mark stood back, fascinated a little but all of it. You gently scooped up the baby, fluffy and warm under the heat lamp. It wriggled in your arms until it finally settled. You ran a hand over its shiny and soft fur, gently tugging on its long ears.
   You walked over to Mark, motioning towards the baby. He looked at you wide eyed, awkwardly holding his arms out. You helped him hold the little animal, a smile lighting up Mark's face. You giggled as it started to nibble on his nose. Once you two had walked outside, Mark was still giddy about the experience.
   He grabbed you suddenly and kissed you hard. It left you breathless and wanting more. You looked at him with a grin and watched him look back at the barn.
   "I wonder what it would be like...if we had our own baby." He said quietly, catching you off guard. You almost choked, but stared at him with an open mouth.
   "Just a thought." He said with a wink. He grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards the house. Meanwhile, you where still getting over the shock that a baby goat made your Markimoo start thinking about kids.
Oh boy.

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