Unexpected Turn

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GET READY FOR THE FEELS TRAIN! You have been warned.

(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! This will be another requested imagine. Once again, thank you guys so much for wanting me to write your amazing ideas! That means a lot to me, so thank you! This imagine is going to be packed with feels, as requested, and a little somber. So, I hope you all like it! Requested by the lovely sjacques15! Enjoy lovelies!)

(P.S.- I recommend listening to the song, "Crash." By You Me at Six. I really do recommend this. I listened to this while writing this chapter. Like I listened to it on repeat XD.)

It was just a normal day, full of sunshine and warm breezes. You were currently playing games with Mark, having a blast. His commentary and competitive nature entertained you for hours you spent playing against him. He ran a hand through his red hair, winking at you. He flexed his hands, chuckling a little. You kissed his forehead and walked to the kitchen to grab some milk. You opened the fridge, only finding a couple water bottles and a mysterious ceramic bowl. It was just a carcass of a fridge, which made you frown. Shaking your head, you grabbed your money from the counter and shoved it in your pockets. You shoved on your shoes and explained your soon to be journey to the store. Mark hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead. You blushed and pecked his lips softly. His brown eyes softened and shimmered.

"Come back soon. Be safe." He said to you, letting you go after one more sweet kiss on the lips. You giggled and nodded, heading out the front door. Who knew those would be the last words you'd hear from him tonight. You smiled cheerfully as you shut the door behind you, starting to walk down the sidewalk. You looked around, taking in the beautiful day. There were couples and children skipping and walking around town, the sound of laughter and honking filled the air. You were a distance away from the town itself, but you didn't mind the walking. You took a deep breath, smelling honeysuckle and daisies. You watched a squirrel stop in the middle of the sidewalk. It's little nose twitched before it looked at you. It soon flinched and shot off towards a tree, scrambling up the tree as fast as possible.

You plugged in your headphones, letting the music shut the world out. Your fingers tapped against your jeans with the rhythm, your lips moving in sync with the words. You walked slowly, taking your time to enjoy the walk.

"Wait, where you say you been? Who you been with?

Where'd you say you goin? Who you goin with?

Keep me on my toes...keep me in the know.

Wait, keep me in your skin. Keep me in your chest.

I'll wait for it to start. I'll wait for it to end."

The beautiful melody dripped into your ears, your eyes half open as it relaxed you. The slight breeze blew gently through your hair as you got closer to the town. Everything was serene, and peaceful.

Then it happened..

You looked at the ground, watching your foot crunch over the dead leaves scattered all around the ground. You heard something, but just dismissed it as nothing. In the corner of your eye, you saw someone waving their hand, quite frantically. You only looked up when you saw them sprint towards you. Your eyes connected with the vehicle wavering this way and that all over the road. It's tires squealed loudly and the smell of burnt rubber filled the air quickly. The driver was obviously intoxicated, his face bright red and a smile on his lips. He jerked the steering wheel, causing the decent sized truck to lose control. It was barreling towards you, people around you starting to scream. Your headphones stayed in your ears, yet you could almost hear the roar of the engine. Your heart seemed to freeze, your feet planted in the concrete. What seemed to be minutes of frozen time, was merely just a few seconds.

It hit.

Before you even had time to twitch your hand, the truck hit full force. You didn't have time to move, to breathe, or even blink. Your body was like a rag doll, being thrown several feet from your original spot. Your headphones ripped from your ears, the sound of screeching metal being roared into your eardrums. You didn't feel the impact of concrete beneath you. You did hear several bones cracking and the increasing pain blooming on your body. It felt as though poison had been injected into your veins. You lay, limp, on the ground, six feet away from the truck. You watched with one blurry eye as it tried to stop, but ended up ramming into a wall. You watched the man stumble out, his eyes as big as his face. He had tears running down his face as he lurched on the ground and emptied his stomach.

Your ears were ringing terribly and you had lost all feeling to your body. You felt wet and warm. You began to see red forming around you, soaking your hair and clothes. You opened your mouth, feeling an indescribable pain by doing so. You felt a couple tears slide down your face. Your vision began to darken as people entered your vision. The more red you saw, the more calmer you got. Your mind was a tangle of screaming pain, and you felt so calm. You couldn't move, so you decided to close your eyes. The smell of rust filled your nose and the distant sound of screaming could be heard. Your headphones and phone lay inches from you, its music still blaring.

"Just crash..fall down. I'll wrap my arms around you now."

You could barely make out the words your headphones were blaring. The pain was catching up to you now. It was unbearable. You felt your leg and arm at a weird angle, but was too afraid to look at yourself. You stopped trying, a huge urge of sleepiness taking over. Your mind vaguely flashed a picture of Mark's smiling face. Your heart pounded weakly, until it just..stopped. As your eyes closed, your breath came out in a slow wheeze.

"Come back soon. Be safe."

(There will be a Part 2! Do not worry! I hope you liked it, to be honest I teared up while writing this. Part 2 will be coming soon!)

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