Five Nights At Freddy's Part 3

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(A/N: Hey lovelies. So I'm going to do all five nights, so this is going to be an extended imagine. Enjoy. This is quite long. I apologize.)

You didn't know why you came back. Maybe it was because you didn't have any money to live off your apartment if you didn't keep going. You couldn't find anymore jobs to take, almost like you were now doomed to this job forever. Of course, maybe it was because you weren't alone there. You were working with a quite handsome young man.
You took a deep breath and walked inside, shivering from the cold air. You stifled a yawn, rubbing your eyes. You didn't get much sleep last night. You had nightmares and terror dreams keeping you up all night. You didn't exactly go to your station, you decided to look around. Your mind echoed with the terrifying screeched and growls from the animatronics.
You made your way to the party room. Your eyes trailed over the several chairs and tables lined in a row. Party hats and napkins lay abandoned on the tables. You shivered as you saw the stage a few feet from you. You saw the group standing there in place, motionless. Freddy stood in front, the microphone inches from his metal smile. He seemed to be mocking you, his soulless eyes staring at you.
He doesn't look so harmless now. With his black top hat and little black bow to match. You looked at Bonnie, seeing his big green eyes stare at nothing. Chica and foxy were the same. They all looked like cute little robots, but you knew they had a menacing side to them once the lights turned off. You shivered, hearing the lullaby play through your mind again.
Suddenly, something touched your shoulder. You let out a gasp and turned around, ready to punch. You were face to face with Mark, your face turning red. You took a deep breath, clutching your chest. He chuckled and smiled apologetically at you.
"You scared the shit out of me!" You said, your voice bouncing off the walls. He apologized and motioned for you to follow him. It was nearly time for the shift, and neither of you wanted to be out here when they started to move again. You two made it to the room and got settled. He still looked a little pale from last night as he fixed his hat and looked at the computer.
"So..about last night?" You asked.
"I can honestly say I almost shit my pants. This shit isn't normal (Y/N) scares me." He said quietly, shaking his head. You noticed a bag on the table, and looked over at him. You placed your hand on top of his, cautious at first. He looked up, smiling a little. You pulled it away a couple minutes afterwards.
" How do you think this night will go? Second night.." You asked, looking back at the flickering cameras. He shrugged, rubbing his face with his hands.
"I have no idea. I think we have the jist of it by now, right? Keep flashing the light if they come, constantly check the cameras, don't waste the battery. We have also figured out the door panel ends up not working if we use it too much. We just have careful." You nodded, fidgeting with the security hat rested on your head.
"So..uh I'm pretty sure your girlfriend thinks this job is insane." You said, fumbling with the computer mouse. Mark chuckled and shook his head. You bit your lip, rubbing the back of your neck. You couldn't help but watch him run his hand through his hair slowly.
"Huh? Oh no, I don't have a girlfriend. Just me, and my dogs." You nodded, suppressing a smile. Granted, you weren't the smoothest, but you did find out he didn't have a girlfriend. Score for you. You jumped again when you heard the phone ringing. Mark sat close to you as the guy started talking again.
"Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this and you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses.
Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know...
Uh... Interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn't come off stage very often. I heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though.
So, hey, I guess that's one more reason not to run out of power right? I-I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights. There are blind spots in your camera views, and those blind spots happen to be right outside of your doors. So if-if you can't find something, or someone, on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react... Uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. I'm not implying that. Also, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time.
The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. I guess he doesn't like being watched. I don't know. Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control! Uh, talk to you soon."
"Son of a bitch." You said, shaking your head. You gulped and looked out the open door, already hearing shuffling and scratching. Mark took a deep breath and got to work with the cameras. The minutes passed with you two flicking lights on, seeing them move, watching the cameras flicker and run out of battery. You were jump scared quite a few times with Bonnie and Chica standing outside the door.
Nothing is more terrifying then seeing nothing in the darkness and flicking on the light to see..two huge metal robots waiting to rip your face off. You checked the Pirate Cove several times, afraid to see what this guy looked like.
"Shit! Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica are gone! I can't find them!" You rushed to the lights, seeing none of them outside the doorway. Bonnie ended up looking into the camera again, his big grin plastered on his eyes. You began to see red eyes in the hallway, and Freddy's bellowing laughter. Mark breathed heavily, clutching his flashlight.
"Oh god..Foxy's gone." Mark whispered, the camera in the Cove showing an empty cage. You gasped, looking at the camera. You heard growls and shrieks, ones that made bone chilling shivers travel down your spine. Suddenly, you heard clambering in the vents. It was only 4:00 A.M. You turned your head towards the farthest vent, watching it rumble and vibrate. You heard shuffling and loud growls emitting from it. Mark trembled with his flashlight, looking over at you.
"Is that Fo-" Mark was cut off by the sound of screeching metal. You flash your light over the vent, seeing Foxy stare right you. His head was through the vent, the rest of his body crammed into the small space. His huge face stared at you, his glistening eyepatch covered one of his eyes. His hand was gripping the floor, the other one scratching the floor with his hook. The sound was like nails on a chalkboard, making your ears throb. His mouth was open, revealing rows and rows of sharp teeth.
He let out a roar, one that rumbled in your chest and shook you to the core. You could hear his friends outside your shut door, laughing and waiting to pounce. You whimpered, backing away from the fox. A flashlight flew past your head, hitting Foxy on the head. Mark gripped your elbow and pulled you against him, looking at Foxy with wide eyes. Foxy stared for a split second, before rushing over to you two. You both let out screams and shuffled to the door.
You slipped, pulling Mark down with you. You looked up, seeing Foxy tower over you. He reached down, hooking your ankle with his hook. He screeched, making your ears ring. You cried out as he started dragging you towards the vent. Mark kept his grip on you as you had a tug of war moment. Your ankle screamed in pain as his hook dug into your skin.
"I-IT'S 6:00 A.M! LET HER GO! ITS 6:00 A.M YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Mark shouted, his voice breaking. You cried out, feeling the hook vanish from your ankle. You watched Foxy slam into the Vent, screeching as he dissapeared into the darkness. You sobbed, having Mark pull you closer to him. The others made it back to the stage, leaving behind scratch marks on the glass window. He shushed you, cradling you close and shivering as well. You both watched the lights come back on as he helped you on your feet. He wiped your face, smiling encouragingly at you.
"We made it. W-We made it. Three more nights (Y/N)..three more nights. Holy shit." He breathed out a sigh of relief, keeping you close to him. You looked out into the hallway to see a pair of bright red eyes.
"Three more nights.."

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