Birthday Surprise

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(HEY GUYS! I hope you lovelies are ready for another Requested imagine! I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you so much Pouko18  for wanting me to write your imagine.
ENJOY! Also, this one is a tad bit long! SORRY!
Requested By: Pouko18)

"I miss you Sean." You whisper quietly, sighing sadly. You looked over at your sleeping roommate, making sure not to wake them as you walked outside your dorm. You were currently at college, your final year to be exact. You and Sean had been friends ever since you wore diapers. It was sad to see you two separate after high school, but that was only because of the college choices. One was this way and the other was that way. Distance made it terrible to see or interact with him.
You were swamped with so much tests and quizzes, that it was impossible to talk to him. It's been a couple months since you two have last talked. It ate away at your heart, you missed your best friend terribly. You sighed again, watching your breath swirl into the midnight air. After another hour of beating yourself up for not calling him, you headed back inside.
"Might as well get to work." You muttered, walking into your room and shutting the door. You took a long sip from your coffee, now luke warm and lost of taste. The strong flavor pulled you awake, allowing you to start typing away at your computer. You had plenty of essays to catch up on, so now seemed as good as ever. Your mind began to float back to Sean, and your concentration shattered.
You thought of good old memories. You thought of his laugh, his smile, his eyes. You adored his eyes, they pulled you in. You stared at the screen, beginning to get angry at yourself. You shoved your computer off of your lap and snatched your phone off. You couldn't take it anymore.
It rang a couple times, making you wonder if you should just hang up. You bit your lip, hoping he would answer. You just needed to hear his voice. You were just about to pull the phone away, when you heard something from the other line.
"Hello?" His accent rang out, making a smile break out on your face. Your heart pounded but you were joyful. You let out a giggle, hearing him made you realize just how much you missed him.
"Sean? It's me...(Y/N)." You said quietly, hearing the other end go quiet. He gasped and let out his chuckle, making you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"(Y/N)!? Is that you! Lass, it's been at too long! You have no idea how much I missed you!" You started to tear up, hearing his words. You did know how he felt though, maybe you felt just a little bit more. You sniffled and wiped the corner of your eyes.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, alarm rang in his voice. You whimpered, letting the tears run down your face.
"I just...missed you so much. I don't talk to anybody here, I just wanted my best friend here. I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, I'm so sorry. I just...I just miss you." You said with a trembling voice. You looked at the floor with wet eyes, your vision blurring. You took a deep breath, your hand shaking.
"Oh, lass. Don't cry, please? Don't cry, I'm here now. College is a busy time, I was busy too. I missed you dearly, lass. I did. Don't cry Angel, you won't be crying for long." You were surprised at the "Angel" comment, but didn't question him about it. The tone in his voice made you perk up, you could hear the smile.
"What do you mean by that?" You asked. You looked down at the date on your computer. You gasped and smiled, it was Sean's birthday as the clock striked 12:00 P.M.
"Happy Birthday, Booper Dooper!" You said as loud as your sleeping roommate would allow in the other room. He chuckled and thanked you, his voice bursting with energy. You missed that also, the way he would always be a little ball of energy. Your heart ached, you really wanted to see him. Sounds came from the other end that was confusing you. Shuffling, other voices, silence, then more shuffling.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh, me? Nothing, nothing. Since it's my birthday and all, I had only one wish." You waited for him to say more, but that took a long couple of minutes before he was able to answer.
"There we go! Anyway, I had one wish that I wanted to come true." You pursed your lips, what's was it? You shrugged and smiled, he seemed happy. You opened your mouth to talk, but he beat you to it.
"So, I made the wish come true. We haven't seen each other in months. In those months, it made me realize how much I've missed you. How much I needed to tell you some things, about...well you. So, my wish was to see you again." He went silent, and your heart was slamming against your chest. So many emotions ran through you, but one was clear. You wanted to grab Sean through the phone and kiss those lovely lips of his. The thought made you blush. Suddenly, you heard a soft knock on your front door.
Your mouth dropped open as you walked out of your room and to the door. You could hear Sean laughing as you heard another knock at the door. You shook your head, tears of joy running down your face. Your trembling fingers grazed the door before you heard your Sean talking to you on the phone.
"Well, it looks like you need to open this door pretty soon. There's this guy waiting outside that really can't wait to see your beautiful face."

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