Haunted House

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    You and Mark absolutely LOVED going to haunted houses, especially the ones that are worth waiting over an hour for! As you waited in line, he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head. Your cheeks blazed as you giggled and looked up at him.
    "Are you going to scream like a little girl?" You teased him, poking his stomach slightly. He chuckled and shook his head at you, sticking out his tongue. As time went by, creepy characters from the haunted house wandered through the lines. You felt a little freaked out as a clown weaved in and out of the crowd of people.
    "Ooo..and you told me I'd get scared." Mark said to you, a smile playing on his lips. You ignored his comment and pressed yourself a little tighter against him. He knew your phobia of clowns, but didn't push you any further. Instead, he hugged you tightly and whispered sweet things into your ear.
    "Step up you two, it's time for a scare." A man with a deep voice said to you two. You both stepped up to the entrance and handed him your tickets. A light drizzle began as you stepped into the old house. It was quiet, distant screams and shrieks being heard in the distance. You both began to smile widely as you went deeper into the hallway.
    Your hand slid down until it intertwined with his hand, which squeezed yours resurringly. It didn't take long for the scares and creatures to jump out at you two. Mark and you shared a couple screams and laughs as you quickly made it through the mazes. Clowns followed close behind you, chainsaw maniacs chased you two down hallways and stairs, dead bodies swung into you and whispered in your ear.
   "Good god! That was..um...AWESOME!" You exclaimed, jumping up and down. Mark just watched you in awe and chuckled along with you. The drizzle had turned into a soft downpour as it soaked your hair and dampened your clothes.
    "I love you.." Mark said quietly, catching your eyes with his. You stood there for a second, being caught off guard. He'd been watching you the whole time and couldn't keep himself from blurting it out loud. You smiled at him and walked closer, sliding your arms around his neck. His hair was damp, his pink fluff hanging in his face.
    You admired his face, his strong jaw line, his full lips and bright eyes. You reached up and traced the outline of his lips with your fingertips. He closed his eyes and smiled, grabbing your hand. After he kissed the top of your knuckles, he pulled you close and pressed his lips on yours.
   You didn't have to worry about being afraid anymore..your Mark was there to make you feel all better again.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now