Waking up

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You dreaded waking up in the mornings, in fact you hated the very thought of it. You didn't enjoy the idea of leaving your warm and comfy bed for dealing with stupid people at work. When your alarm went off, you groaned loudly and simply turned it off.
"Don't you have work, Lass?" Sean's voice mumbled to you, his face in a pillow. You grunted a response, snuggling back in the covers and throwing a pillow over your head. After a couple of minutes, you heard a chuckle and your lovely Irishman get out of bed. You took the moment and stretched out, smiling sleepily.
"Come on Angel, you have ta go ta work." He said quietly, rubbing his eyes sleepily. You frowned and groaned, shaking your head. He laughed again and turned on the light, making you gasp and cover your eyes.
"The light! It burns, oh it burns! The pain! The horror!" You said dramatically, draping an arm over your forehead. You saw him shake his head and make his way over to you. You felt his arms slip underneath your body and pick you up. You locked around his neck, giggling. He smirked at you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Now we're getting somewhere. I'll give you a little reward for getting out of bed. How's that sound, Lass?" He asked, his smirk getting bigger. You laughed nervously and agreed, getting out of his grasp and going to the bathroom. Once you were all dressed and ready, which didn't take very long, you sluggishly dragged yourself out of the bathroom and to where Jack stood.
"Now your all ready to take on the day." He raised his fist in the air, but you just cracked a smile and shook your head. You yawned, stretching your arms above your head. Your shirt slipped up a little, Sean's eyes trailing down the exposed skin. He walked over to you and pulled you close.
"S-Sean? You still don't h-have a shirt on..." You said, your eyes going down to his chest. He chuckled and nodded, pressing you against him. He didn't give you time to react as his lips crashed onto yours. You gladly kissed him back, your hands gently placed on his pale chest. You both smiled in the kiss, his hands carefully running through your hair.
    Your fingertips grazed down his chest, feeling the grooves on his stomach. He shivered and ended up chuckling.  Jack placed a kiss on your forehead before you grabbed your bags and headed for the door.
    "One more to make it through the day?" You asked sweetly. He quickly grabbed you and pressed his warm lips over yours. You two got a little carried away, almost making you late. You didn't mind though, the thought of him being here when you got home got you through the grueling hours of the day.
It also helped when your phone would hold messages of your Jackiboy sending you loving words.

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