When Jack gets jealous

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You and Sean decided to have a day to just go out and have some fun. Go to the park, or to stores, or even just walking around to pubs or movies. You two just wanted to take in the calm weather you were having before it ended and the rain started up again.
So hand in hand you and Sean walked down the street, first making your way to a store. You guys were in need for some new clothes anyway, so why not do it together? Jack goofed around, trying on scarfs or hats that were too big for him to fit in. He turned around, putting on some glasses. When he turned back, you saw he had large black glasses on.
"Oh my god you look adorable." You laughed, smiling at him as he posed and did a duck face at you. You giggled as you two continued looking for clothes. He eventually found some shirts and jeans he wanted to try on, so with a kiss on your cheek, he left for the fitting rooms. You busied yourself by making your way to the long sleeves and started picking out a few.
"Hello!" A cheery voice said from behind you. You turned around, seeing a man your age. He had a bright smile and brown eyes. His brunette hair hung in his face, he was pretty built from the looks of the tight shirt he was currently wearing. You smiled back at him and waved, turning back to what you were doing.
"Sorry to bother you, but I just had to come over and say how beautiful you are." The compliment made your cheeks blaze, but that was a normal reaction you gave. You cleared your throat and thanked him, he started to get closer to you. You held the clothes in your arms and started walking over to where Jack would be.
"Wait! I just want to talk to you." The man said, grabbing your arm gently. You stopped, noticing he was literally inches from you now. You leaned back, feeling his hand go up your arm. You pulled away, starting to glare at him. He chuckled and raised his hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry to be so up and close but..god I love it." He said huskily, making you feel VERY uncomfortable. You turned and walked quickly over to the fitting rooms, waiting for Jack to appear. The guy simply followed you and suddenly pulled you against him. You let out a gasp as you were pressed against him.
"That's better." He said, smiling widely. You were beyond pissed that he was controlling you this way. With one simple raise of the hand, you slapped him across the face. You weren't a weak little girl who gave simple taps, You knew how to pack a punch when needed.
"Babe?" You could hear Jack's voice behind you as the man stumbled back. He held a hand to his face, a surprised look crossing it. You glared at him until you turned and gathered your things. You simply smiled at Jack before you two left the store.
"Nothing to worry about. I took care of it." You said with a smile as Jack burst out laughing. Although, the rest of the day he had an arm wrapped around you or he would give you a kiss in front of a group of guys that had been staring at you. He was protective over you, now more than ever. You didn't mind the kisses or the close contact with your Irishman, it was very nice.
The rest of the day went smoothly, time to time catching Jack looking around or pulling you closer.
Such an adorable little man.

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