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   You groaned as you wrapped your arms around your stomach. You were in pain and it felt as though you were being stabbed over and over again with a knife. Sitting down, you sighed and grimaced as your stomach ached.
Yes..it was that time of the month again.
   "Hey babe!" Jack called out, walking out from his recording room and kissing you on the cheek. You smiled and stood up, but hunched over in pain. Jack rushed over to you, worried and concerned as he pulled you close.
   "I'm fine..I'm fine. Just cramps, really bad cramps." You whimpered, gritting your teeth. Jack's mouth opened as he realized what you were talking about. He carefully walked you to your room and laid you on the bed. You looked at him in confusion, getting under the covers anyway.
   "I will be right back. Get comfy, today is your day. I won't be long!" Before you could ask anything else, Jack was out the door and gone. You sighed, changing into sweatpants and a sweatshirt before getting back into bed. Your pain seemed to get worse, resulting in you groaning and holding your stomach.
   "I'm back!" Jack's voice floated upstairs as you heard him come closer. He walked in with bags on his arms, setting them on the table. He kissed you on the cheek before pulling out chocolate bars, a pint of ice cream, medicine, a few movies, and a red rose. You awed at him and gave him a smile.
   "I don't want my baby in pain, so hopefully I'm going to help." Jack said shyly, scratching the back of his neck. You took the medicine, settling down next to Jack after he put the movie on. Turning off the lights, he snuggled close to you and wrapped his arms around you.  With one hand, he gently rubbed your aching belly and kissed your forehead softly.
   "Thank you, so much baby." You whispered, giving him a long and passionate kiss. He blushed in the dark, chuckling and returning the kiss. Eating your chocolate and ice cream, Jack made sure to keep you close and warm, giving you sweet kisses all over your face. You laid your head in the crook of his neck, feeling the warmth of him next to you.
   Feeling his lips in your hair, you sighed in content and kissed his neck. For the rest of the day, you two spent time watching your favorite movies and binging on chocolate, sweets, and the oh so sugary kisses of Jack's lovely lips.

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