Book Worm

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      Today couldn't be any better. It was a chilly day, and a bit rainy, perfect reason to stay inside. The air was warm and cozy, your legs curled under yourself on the couch. You could hear the muffled shouts of your Irish YouTuber in the other room, recording. The TV was playing in front of you, but you paid no attention to it.
   Your nose was buried in a book you were reading and you were determined to finish it. You've read for hours now, but every page was filled with more wonder to keep going. You were a Book Worm and you loved every minute of it. Jack would even get you books almost every week, shocked by how fast you would get done with them.
   You didn't even notice Jack's door open as you continued to read. Jack smiled softly at your concentrated face as you read. He sat next to you, your eyes quickly flickering to him before going back to the book. He loved watching your facial expressions. How your eyebrows would raise when a confusing part would come up, how you bit your bottom lip when flipping the page, or how your mouth would drop open randomly when the story took an unexpected turn.
   You gasped, hugging the book and looking at Jack. Your eyes were lit up with excitement and your smile beamed as you finished the book. Soon you were blabbering on and on about the book and you were practically jumping on the couch, explaining the book to him. Jack's smile widened as he caught the excitement in your eyes and the joy in your smile. He absolutely loved it when your like this.
   "Awh, my Little Book Worm." He said with a chuckle, kissing your nose gently. You calmed down and blushed, giving the book one more embrace before setting it on the counter. You giggled and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
   "I'm s-sorry. I books." You giggled, looking over at the book before feeling Jack's fingers turn your face around. Your blush went deeper as he searched every inch of your face, leaving trails of kisses from your ear to your lips. You burst into giggles and tackled him in a hug, you ending up on top of him.
   "My Little Book Worm." He said again, making you nod and kiss his chin. You were beginning to love that little nickname he called you. His fingertips grazed up your back and caresses your cheek before pulling you into a kiss.
   "Remind me tomorrow to make another trip to the bookstore. I think my baby needs another book." You squealed in happiness and attacked him with little kisses, making it his turn to blush and laugh as he held you close and listened to your voice talk about the book you had finished just moments before.

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