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A/N: HEY GUYS! This is another requested imagine that someone has asked me to do. This is going to be very long, but please enjoy! Requested by: ilovelouisandvegas (Paige Podmore)

   You were really good friends with the famous YouTuber, Mark Fishbach. You were also friends with Bob, Jack, and Wade. All of you knew each other way before they became famous on YouTube. Actually, that's how you all managed to meet. You had your own channel yourself, inspired by the gang's motivation and enthusiasm.
"Poddersgamingchannel.", was the name of your YouTube channel. You had a lot of fun playing with the guys and seeing how far you'd come from it. Mark was the closest friend in the group, you had known him for two whole years. Today, you were just about to record another video when your phone went off. You didn't even have to look at Markiplier's outro blared as your ringtone.
"HEY (Y/N)! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD DO!?" You held the phone away from your ear as he shouted into the speaker. You rolled your eyes but giggled anyway at his silly personality. You had to admit, you did develop a crush on him over those two years. It was hard not to..I mean look at him! Also his charming smile and caring ego made it even harder.
"You should do a video with me! I have a few challenges I wanted to do, and your just the person for the job! I'm not taking no for an answer, get your booty down here!" You opened your mouth to speak, but a click sound came and Mark had hung up. You huffed in annoyance, but gathered your things and drove down to Mark's apartment.
You looked at yourself in the rearview mirror, making sure you looked decent. You ran your fingers quickly through your straight, blonde hair, watching it fall down to your hips. Your bright blue eyes stared back at you, shimmering. You smiled at yourself and got out of the car. Mark opened the door, chuckling and pulling you in for a hug.
Even though you two have done this a thousand times, it still made your heart pound and your face dust with blush. He let you inside and led you to his recording room. You stopped once you noticed a row of baby food cans on a table. You raised your eyebrows up, shooting a look at Mark.
"Our challenges are going to be...Baby food Challenge, Disney Song Challenge, and Just Dance! ARE YOU READY TO ACCEPT DEFEAT!" He asked, a large smirk on his lips. You let out a laugh and stood tall, hands on your hips.
"NEVER! Bring it on Markimoo!" You shouted, jumping on the couch next to him. He did his regular intro and introduced you to his fans. Soon, the challenge started. There were many weird faces and awful tasting as you two tried to guess the flavor. You almost spit out a spoonful when Mark was gagging and grabbing for the trash can. You ended up winning this challenge, it was pretty obvious.
"God damn, I don't know why I loved this so much when I was a baby." Mark groaned, wiping his mouth and shaking his head. You giggled and patted his leg, smirking. He grumbled and moved onto the next challenge, Disney Songs. Soon the game started and Mark read off suggestions in the comments below.
"Lion King." You said, quickly reaching to hit the table. You were too slow as Mark's hand came crashing down. You burst out laughing as he stood on the couch and started to sing,"Circle of Life." He sat back down, reading off the next suggestion. You couldn't help but stare at him, his blue hair swishing this way and that.
You loved his bright smile and completely adored his laugh. He caught you staring, making you clear your throat and look away. In the end, Mark had won this game, making you cross your arms in anger. Mark patted your cheek and stuck out his tongue. You did the same thing back to him.
"I'm going to be so pro at this!" Mark said, chuckling as you two moved to the living room. He smiled at you as you two started recording again and picked a song. At first, it was a Lady Gaga song that Mark had picked out. You couldn't concentrate on the moves when Mark started to twerk in the middle of the floor.
"MY EYES! OH THE HORROR!" You shouted, covering your eyes and laughing like a mad man. Mark eventually started to get into the actual dance, and ended up with you two tied. After a couple tries, it was now your turn. Mark was one point behind you now. You searched through the songs, seeing Mark staring at you in the corner of your eyes.
"OH! I love this song!" You exclaimed, clicking on the song "Turn Up the Love." Mark clapped, agreeing with you. He pushed you aside a little with his hip, nearly throwing you to the side. He burst out laughing as you regained balance and got into position.
He raised his hand for a high five, which you gladly gave. He held onto your hand for a little longer than usual, just until the music started. You felt your face heat up as Mark smiled. You two started to get into the groove with it, you moving your hips and swinging your arms along to the moves. Mark and you were doing pretty good as you danced.
You noticed Mark falter for a minute as he watched you dance. In the end, it was a tie, so you two just accepted it. Sweating and tired, you two cheered. Mark still had one last thing before ending the video. He wanted to do a quick Q&A section before leaving. You agreed, wiping your face and heading over to the couch.
"Okay, first question! What color are you going to dye your hair next?" You read, your fingertips grazing his hand by accident. Mark cleared his throat and ran a hand through his blue fluff. He tapped his chin, thinking about the question. You reached over and Ruffled his hair messily.
"You should do it rainbow..because your fabulous." You said, giggling. He chuckled and shook his head, saying he was probably going to dye it blue again. There were questions that asked you two what you would be doing in 5 years, your favorite color, the most embarrassing thing you've done, ect.
"Okay, we have two more questions and then we will be done! Okay...(Y/N) you like..Mark?" Mark read, pausing for a moment. Your face turned red in seconds, your hands gripping your pants tightly. You coughed, reading the comment to see if he was just joking. He wasn't. He looked over at you, his eyes wide but a smile slowly forming on his face. He nudged your ribs, wiggling his eyebrows. It was a few minutes of complete and awkward silence.
" who am I kidding. Yes...I-I do." You said, whispering the last part. Mark froze, looking down at you. He didn't expect a serious answer, or even a yes at that. You looked at the ground, your hands in your lap.
"Oh Next question asks...Mark, do you like (Y/N)?" You peeked up out of the curtain of hair in your face. He looked at the camera for a moment, then at you. You felt him grab your hand and push your hair away from your face. You stared at him, waiting.
"Actually...I do." You heart was about to explode at this point, a gasp leaving your lips. You smiled so big it hurt as you lunged at him and hugged around his neck. He chuckled and hugged you back tightly. You both pulled away and looked towards the screen where the comments were being spammed with "KISS!KISS!KISS!"
You covered your mouth in surprise at how many were spamming the video with it. You suddenly felt Mark's gentle fingers pull your chin in his direction. He was inches from you now, his soft brown eyes locked with yours. Nothing around you seemed to matter as he started to lean in.
You let yourself push against his lips, surprised at how soft they were. You were a nervous mess as you kissed him back and intertwined his hands with yours. After a couple minutes, you pulled away, hiding your face. You heard Mark's chuckle and him saying,
"Thanks guys." Before he pulled you into a hug, saying goodbye to his fans.
"Two years..and I finally got to kiss those lovely lips of yours. Two years..and I finally got to tell you how I felt...and to the whole world." Mark whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead.

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