Here To Help

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! Here is another requested imagine from imhereforfob !! Thank you for choosing me as your writer! Here you go guys!)
Requested By: imhereforfob

   A sigh left your lips as you looked up at the clock on the wall. The teacher continued to lecture on and on about math as you got lost in your own mind. You took a couple deep breaths and tried not to break down in the middle of class.
   Last period, come on you can do it, you thought to yourself. You looked down at your hand, which was slightly shaking. You had several tests coming up because of finals, essays that were due the next day, and teachers already getting annoyed at your snappy attitude.
   You rubbed your tired eyes and yawned. You struggled to get a few hours of sleep, resulting in the bags under your eyes and the exhaustion that caused your moods. You were quiet the whole day, Jack being the one to notice. You two were very close, maybe even more than friends.
   When the bell rang, you jumped a little and yawned. You grabbed your stuff and trudged to your locker, listening to students yell and shout. It made your head hurt just thinking about homework tonight. You bit your lip and tried to keep your tears from falling.
   "Hey (Y/N)! Aren't you glad tomorrow is Friday!?" Jack's bouncy voice invaded your ears, almost causing you a heart attack. You blinked the tears away and smiled weakly at him. He gave you a look, but didn't question it as you two talked of weekend plans. He had that look in his eyes as he opened his mouth to ask you something.
  "What's wrong? You've been quiet all day. You can tell me?" You shook your head, starting to walk out the door. He continued asking the same question over and over again. Finally, you snapped.
   "Leave me alone! I don't need you up my ass all the time asking me what's wrong! I don't need your help, lay off my back! God damn!" You shouted, causing a few heads to turn. Jack's eyebrows shot up as he looked at you. You let out a angry yell and jogged down the street, away from a shocked Jack.
   You felt horrible for bursting out at him, but
you couldn't take the stress anymore. You slammed the front door and collapsed on the couch. You let the tears soak your face and the sobs rack through your body. You realized you had made a horrible decision. You fumbled for your phone and tried to see through blurry eyes. His name popped up and you typed a quick message with trembling fingers.
  "I didn't mean it. I need you. Please." Once you sent the text, another round of crying came on. Your head pounded from all the worries and concerns forcing itself in your head. After a couple minutes of silence, you heard the door burst open.
   "I knew you needed me." Jack said softly, a smile in is voice. You felt his arms wrap around you as he picked you up and pulled you onto the couch. You blushed furiously, but hastily wiped the tears away. You sat on his lap, arm around his neck and face buried in his chest. You breathed in his cologne, instantly feeling better. He rubbed your back soothingly while you let out the last of your tears.
   "I know things might be hard now. I know that, but I know you can do it. Hey, look at me." Jack said, grabbing your chin gently and forcing you to look at him. You looked into his bright blue eyes and blushed harder. He smiled at you, causing you to want to smile back.
   "You can do this. I know you can. Your strong, you can get through this. I'll be there every step of the way with you. Your not falling, and if you do...I've got ya, Lass." He said. Your heart pounded in your chest as your worried melted away. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead softly. You gulped, smiling back at him. You decided to do something brave.
   "You missed." You said simply, wiping at the tears staining your cheeks. He looked at you in confusion until you pulled his face towards yours and kissed his lips. He pulled back from you a little, but eagerly hugged you close and deepened the kiss.
   "U-Um...i-I...feel better?" He asked, stuttering. You giggled and nodded, hugging him tightly. He intertwined his hand with yours, and you felt your heart soar.
   "You know what else will make you feel better? Movies." He grabbed the remote and put on a movie for the both of you. His arms wrapped around you gently as he captured you into another kiss. He'd been wanting to do that for awhile.

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