I'll Never Leave You

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! So, people seemed to really like the imagine where the reader had a dream where Mark cheated on her. Well, you guys wanted me switch it to where Jack would have one. So, here you guys go. It's almost 1 am here. Enjoy lovelies.)

    Jack tossed and turned in his bed. He was trapped in his nightmare that was quickly spiraling towards disaster. You were sleeping soundly beside him, your back turned towards him. He whimpered out loud, his head turning this way and that. He wanted to wake up, but it all felt too real to be a dream.
   "Come on babe!" You yelled, giggling and laughing. Jack laughed along with you, looking at the way the sun shined on your hair, the way your smile took his breath away. He jogged to keep up with you as you two made it to the park. You pulled him to a bench, where you two sat and talked. You snuggled up to him, Jack kissing your head sweetly. You two listened to the sound of birds until a man walked up.
   "Hey there." He said, his voice deep and silky.  He had ruffled chestnut brown hair, covered partially with a gray beanie. He played with his lip ring, smiling down at you. He had bright green eyes and a killer smile. You blushed, Jack noticing. He felt angry as he glared at the tough looking tattooed man. He winked at you, making you giggle from Jack's side.
   "Back off, she's mine." Jack said angrily, pulling you towards him. You pulled away a little, focusing on the guy more. Jack felt hurt as he noticed you bite your lip. The man chuckled in delight and trailed down your body with his eyes. Jack stood up, causing the man to turn his eyes towards him. The man put his hands up, pointing down the sidewalk.
   "I just came here for help. I dropped my phone back there and I can't seem to find it. I need some help." You instantly volunteered, smiling softly at him. He burst out into a huge smile and nodded, started to walk away. Jack watched you walk away in shock, seeing you not even take a second glance back.
   Jack sat back down, crossing his arms and trying not to let his anger get the best of him. He fumed in his spot, shaking his head and glaring at the ground. After awhile, you still hadn't returned. So, Jack ventured to find
You. As he turned the corner, he dropped his phone and gasped.
   You and the tattooed man were currently making out. He was grabbing you and pressing against you, making you giggle and kiss him back. Jack's heart throbbed painfully as he sprinted towards you. You pulled away, scoffing at Jack.
   "You can't stop this Jack. I want this, I want him. You don't matter anymore. Your not the one, maybe he is. All I know is he is one hell of a kisser." Jack stood there frozen as you leaned back in for another kiss.
   Suddenly, Jack shot up in bed, gasping for air. Sweat was slick on his skin, tears filling his blue eyes quickly. He let out a sob, his chest heaving. You woke up, startled to see your boyfriend having a mental breakdown. You reached over and touched his shoulder. He was shaking as he cried, burning his face in his hands.
   "Jack!? Are you okay!? What happened!" You asked desperately, holding him close. You stroked his messy hair as he continued crying. Once he finally calmed down, he pulled away. His eyes were sad and hurt, tears washing his face.
   "I had a horrible dream where..you cheated on me. He was bigger and stronger. Do you still love me..even if I don't have piercings and tattoos?" You frowned as you watched him tremble. You pulled him close, kissing his cheek.
   "Babe, your perfect to me. I would never, in a million years, do anything like that. I love you and only you. Your the one for me. I'm not going anywhere baby, I'm right here." You whispered, wiping away his tears. He sniffled, looking down. You picked his chin up, kissing his quivering lips softly. He hugged you close, cuddling you as his tears dried and his shaking stopped. You listened to his rapid heartbeat as you told him reason after reason as to why he was perfect for you.
   After an hour, he had finally begun to smile and laugh at his own silly fears. He pulled the covers over you two, cuddling you close and kissing your head before closing his eyes. You smiled slightly and intertwined your fingers with his. You watched him fall asleep, stroking his cheek with your free hand.
"I'm not going anywhere." You whispered to a sleeping Jack.

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