Who Would You Choose?

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(A/N): HELLO LOVELIES! So, I have a requested imagine! Thank you so much for choosing me to write this awesome imagine! Thanks to the lovely Jennaridgway16, she requested an imagine where you have a Night-In with Mark, Jack, Felix, and Matthias! They all end up confessing their undying love to you, and you have to be the judge on who you would pick. NOW, since my last imagine was about Mark, I'm keeping it balanced and having you pick Jack for this one. ENJOY!)

    You were bored the entire day, you had nothing to do. You had not seen your Youtuber buddies in awhile, so you came up with an idea. You called up four of them, and explained your idea. You were going to stay in your house, and watch movies and play games. It was just a day to hang out and have fun again. They all loved the idea, and soon they were knocking on your door, one at a time. First, was Mark. He smiled brightly at you, pulling you in for a hug. You giggled and hugged him back, feeling his strong arms wrap around your waist. You blushed a little, and pulled away when he made the hug last longer than needed. He walked in, sitting down on the couch and setting up the first game on the Xbox. As you went to help him, another knock at the door came.

"HEY (Y/N)! It's so nice to see you!" Jack exclaimed, opening his arms. You agreed and hugged him back, laughing. Jack hugged you tightly before letting go. You watched him sit next to Mark, and was surprised to see jealousy written all over Mark's face. You were shocked, but he soon covered his emotion once he saw you. He flashed a smile at you and patted Jack's back, maybe a little harder than usual. Jack chuckled and they both started playing the game together. You joined them for an hour before the last two people knocked on the door. You opened the door to find Matthias and Felix standing on your porch.

"(Y/N!) It is so good to see you!", Matthias says, giving you a quick hug before joining the other guys. Felix flashes you his white smile and pulls you in for a hug as well. You hug him back, blushing as he explains how beautiful you have became since he last saw you. All the guys rejoined on the couch, hollering and shouting as they played the game. You got the pizzas out of the oven and set them on the counter, letting them start eating. You caught many of their stares at you, some of them looking away in embarrassment. Jack smiled softly at you, making you blush. You've always had a little crush on Jack since you met him. You couldn't help it. Felix seemed to notice as he glared at Jack. You were trying to figure out why their was so much tension between these four guys.

"So, guys I was thinking o-"

"YES (Y/N)!?!?"

You jumped, startled at the sudden outburst from the men. They all chuckled nervously and waited for you to continue speaking. You couldn't figure out what was the matter with these guys. You blew it off, reluctantly, and went to grab "Cards Against Humanity." They all loved the idea and soon all of you were sitting on the floor, playing. Felix sat on one side, and Jack sat on the other. The other grumbled and sat around you in a circle. You looked at them suspiciously and shook your head. You started the game, feeling Felix's hand brush your arm. Your instant reaction was to blush, and that seemed to make Felix very happy. Mark watched with anger, running a hand hastily through his red hair. Felix scratched at his chin and placed down a card. The others did as well, and you picked up the cards.

"Here is the Church. Here is the people. Open the doors and there is___?"

"An argument with Richard Dawkins.

"Lance Armstrong's missing testicle."

"Homeless people."

"Santa's big sack."

You all chuckled at the choices, and waited for you to pick the answer. After some thinking, you finally picked "Lance Armstrong's missing testicle." Felix cheered and took the card, celebrating. You played hours of this until you ventured into the kitchen for some water. You were startled when you felt someone touching your shoulder.

"Felix! You scared me." He smiled apologetically at you, looking at the floor nervously. You looked at him in confusion. He took your hand gently, bringing it to his lips before kissing it. Your eyes widened and your cheeks dusted with blush.

"Look, I've been wanting to say something to you for a very long time. I only hope that you feel the same." Your heart pounded as you realized what he was going to say. You were briefly interrupted by the boys in the living room.

"You son of a bitch! Why do you get all the good cards!?"

"Because I am just that good, Jackiboy!"

"Bull shite!" Felix shook his head and looked back at you, leaning close. Felix liked you, he liked you!? You were about to answer when Mark walked in. He noticed the situation and smirked as he walked in between you two. Felix gaped at him, but it soon turned into a menacing glare. Mark winked at him and turned to you.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I really need to say something to lovely (Y/N)." You stared at both of them, wide eyed. Soon, all of them walked into the kitchen, eyeing everyone. You pushed past them and walked into the living room. They followed you, smiles on their faces. You put your hand up, staring at each of them.

"What the hell is going on here!? Why are all of you at each other's throats! Why are you acting weird!?"

"Ah, well that would be easy to explain in the first place. Well, you see, we found out that all of us were going to confess our..uh feelings...towards you tonight. Jack told us first, and then he found out that all of us wanted to do it too. So, all night it has kinda been a..uh competition..to see which one you would choose." Matthias told you, blushing. They all nodded, staring at you. You nodded, registering all this slowly. If you had to admit, you did feel a little giddy. I mean, come on, these four Youtubers like you! Who were you going to choose?

"Pick me! I am so much better than these idiots!" Felix exclaimed, holding his hand out. Mark scoffed and stood in front of him, holding his hand out.

"No, no, no! Pick me, I am SO much sexier than any of these goofs!" Mark then held his hand out, waiting for you to grab it. Matthias shook his head and pushed him aside, smiling at you.

"Oh, come on! You know I can treat you better than any of these doofs in this room!" His hand held in the air, waiting for you. Jack chuckled and with a red face, he stood in front of Matthias and smiled sweetly at you.

"Lass, I've liked you for awhile now. I have been meaning to tell you, but I was afraid as to what you would say. I knew I should have done it earlier, so this is my fault. You don't have to choose me, but I do want you, Lass." His words caught you and everyone else off guard. His voice was quiet and full of meaning, making your heart flutter. The guys stood there in silence, waiting for an answer. Jack slowly held his hand out, his expression nervous and anxious. Those minuted ticked by slowly, as you made your decision.

You reached your hand out...and took Jack's.

"AW, DAMN IT!" Mark.

"JAVLA!" Felix.

"OH, come on!" Matthias.

"Thank you." Jack said, pulling you in for a soft kiss. In that moment, you knew you had made the right choice.

(Very sorry if it's not the best, I am very tired.)

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