Being Sick

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You woke up this morning with a groan, your whole body seeming to ache. You haven't slept well in a week, your muscles exhausted and your head pounding. You held a hand to your mouth as you started to feel queasy. You managed to keep Mark at bay, keeping him from worrying about you. You knew you were getting sick, and it wasn't fun.
You quickly rushed to the bathroom before you emptied your stomach, which already seemed to be empty. You washed out your mouth, managing to get the sour taste away. You held your head in your hand, feeling too weak to even stand. Your stomach hurt from having it tense up so much, your eyes watery.
"(Y/N)?" Mark called out from the bedroom. You couldn't answer, fearing you'd feel sick again. You heard his footsteps come to the door as he looked in and saw you. His eyes widened as he knelt down to you, worry written all over his face.
"Everything...h-hurts.." You whispered, feeling your stomach do flips again. You groaned and held your head over the toilet, waiting for the next wave to pass. Mark stayed with you until you brushed your teeth again and helped you up. Your legs shook and sweat trickled down your face.
"Your going to the doctor's tomorrow, for now you need medicine." Mark carefully carried you to his bed, setting you down on the covers before heading downstairs. You pulled off your sweatshirt, leaving yourself in pajama pants and a tank top. You wiped your forehead, although you were shivering.
He came back with a cold glass of water, two pills, and a damp rag. He made you take the medicine and sip on some water as he pressed the rag to your burning face. You sighed and closed your eyes, enjoying the coolness against your skin. He looked at you with worry when you opened them again, feeling drained.
"It must be the flu. I'm sorry baby, I'll take care of you." You protested when he climbed back in bed with you, saying you were going to make him sick. He dismissed it as he pulled you close and rubbed your aching stomach. You gave in, laying your head on his shoulder and trying to ease the dizziness in your head.
He placed kisses on your forehead, keeping the rag on you, in hopes of bringing your rising temperature down. You glanced at the clock, seeing it was 4:30 A.M. You let out a quiet whimper as your head continued to feel like it was being cracked open. He tried to comfort you, massaging the sides of your head and holding your shivering body close to his.
"I'll take care of you, baby." He whispered, continuously sprinkling kisses over your face. You smiled weakly at him, your head heavy as you breathed his scent in deeply. It calmed you, quieting your stomach and allowing your eyes to droop. You heard Mark yawn, instantly feeling back for making him go through this.
You snuggled closer, allowing his warmth to warm you up and pull you closer to sleep. He began to hum quietly, it took you a minute to know where it came from. He was humming a song from Lion King, "Can you feel the love tonight?" It was a silly thing for him to hum, but his voice was warm and smooth. It gave you that final push you needed to fall into a deep well needed sleep.

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