Scary Movie

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"Um..(Y/N)? Are you sure we should watch this movie?" Sean asked you, his voice a little nervous. You smiled evilly at him and nodded, slipping the disk into the TV. Your friend had suggested the movie, "Human Centipede.", as your choice. You could handle the gore and blood but your boyfriend was a little iffy on it.
"Yes! Come on baby, it'll be great! Don't you worry, I'll protect you from the big bad monsters!" You said to him sweetly, kissing his cheek. He turned slightly red but puffed out his chest and put his brave face on.
"Nonsense! I shall be the one protecting you!" You giggled and pressed play to start the movie. Your bravery started to drain as you saw the movie scenes continue to get worse and worse. You were snuggled up by Sean, his arm wrapped around you and your head on his chest.
"OH MY GOD! HUMANS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE THA-OH MY GOD!" Sean screamed, his hands covering his eyes. You let out a gasp and shook your head quickly. You gagged a little at the scene, it was definitely not a pleasant one!
"Well then..I didn't need sleep anyways!" Sean whined, making a gag noise also. You both barely got through the movie. Once it had ended, you both were hugging each other with your eyes closed. You opened one eye, seeing the credits rolling through. You heaved a sigh of relief and poked Sean's chest.
"Pfft..that wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Nope, didn't flinch once." Sean boasted, giving you a smirk. You rolled your eyes and looked at the TV.
"Oh really? Well I heard that there's two more of these movies, and this one isn't even the worst of it. Want to watch it?" You watched his smirk fade and the fear show in his eyes. He even looked a little sick. You giggled and patted his hair before giving him a peck on the lips.
"On second bout NO!" He said, crossing his arms. You both burst out laughing and decided on a happier movie. He pulled you close and placed a soft kiss on your head, making you giggle quietly. His fingertips grazed over your hand, up and down your arm.
The movements made your eyes droop and your skin tingle with pleasure. You sighed sleepily and cuddled closer to Sean. He let out a sigh too and laid his head on yours. You both were content watching the movie, soon both of you falling asleep in each other's arms.

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