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      (A/N: I really really like this one and i hope you all enjoy it too. <3)

The snow blew gently around the air, sending chills up your spine and snowflakes to fall on your skin. The wind blew your hair around your face and you smiled at the breathtaking view. The trees were locked in sparkling ice, the bright lights from the ice rink making them shimmer and dance. Your friends had drug you out on a night on the town, even though you wanted to stay inside and drink hot chocolate all night.
    They all squealed in excitement as they brought you to an ice skating rink. They knew you had only done this very few times, every time resulting in you having bruises the next morning. They giggled as you gave them a glare. You followed reluctantly, hearing the chatter of happy people and children in the air.
    You breathed in an icy breath and grabbed your skates. You felt nervous as you slipped them on and stood up. Instantly, your legs wobbled and held onto your closest friend's shoulder for balance.
    "Come on (Y/N), you can do this. This is, what, your hundredth time failing?" They said sarcastically, earning a hit on the back from you. You chuckled along with them as you slowly made your way onto the ice. You tugged your beanie closer to your head and prepared yourself for epic failing.
    As you slowly skated along with your friends, they gawked and pointed at all the cute guys that were there. You just rolled your eyes and listened to their ridiculous conversations. Your eyes traveled over the people until they landed on someone who caught your eye. His bright green hair peeked out from his green beanie, some of it hanging in his beautiful, icy blue eyes. He let out a misty breath that curled around his lips and disappeared into the night air.
    He tugged his blue jacket closer to him as he steadied himself on the skates. He held his arms out awkwardly, a nervous smile spreading on his face. You couldn't stop looking at him, though you noticed your circle of friends were heading right for him. One of your friends noticed your stare, grabbing the attention of the others.
    "Hey (Y/N)?" You looked away from the gorgeous man and turned to your friend. She gave you an evil smile and suddenly pushed you forward. You let out small cry as you stumbled forward, the safety of the rail and the wall no longer being in your grasp. You flailed your arms as you fell forward. You waited for the ice to smack you in the face, but instead felt something soft.
    You heard another cry of surprise as you and someone else landed on the ground. Your hands throbbed from catching yourself on the ice, but someone else was safely holding you. You looked up to be face to face with the blue eyed man you had been staring at. Both of your faces lit up with red as you both blushed.
    "I am s-so sorry..oh m-m-my gosh..I'm so sorry!! R-really!" You managed to stutter out. He let out a loud chuckle, his head leaning back into his laugh. You realized you adored hearing his cheery laughter. You felt yourself giggle too, but quickly realized what position you were in.
    You both were still sprawled on the ice, his arms wrapped around you. Your friends helped you up, all of them red in the face from laughing so hard. You held a hand out and carefully helped him up. He smiled widely at you, holding his stomach as he chuckled again.
    "I am terribly sorry about that also, I wasn't looking where I was going. It's my first time on these, are you alright?" You noticed his Irish accent through his words, making your heart beat faster. All you could do was nod, fearing you'd say something stupid. Your friends ended up leaving you with him, your pleading stares ignored as they whispered to each other and sent you winks.
    "U-U-Um...I could h-help you...my n-n-name's (Y/N.), by the way." You gave him a small smile, which he gladly returned. You two both shook hands before he introduced himself as well. He appreciated the help as you shyly took his arm in yours. You and the man Sean, who liked to be called Jack, both were visibly blushing, the paleness in your skin not helping. The snow drifted down in your hair and on the tip of your nose, making you giggle.
    You helped him, slowly making your way around the rink and telling him which foot to go first. You and him talked for what seemed like hours until you were just holding his arm for closeness even as he got the hang of skating. Your friends yelled at you follow them, seeing how late it was. You were sad to leave, you were actually having a wonderful time.
    He walked you to the exit, your arm still linked with his. He gave you small smiles and flirty winks, making you feel all warm inside. As you crossed the exit, your arm slipping out of his grasp, your friends started pointing above you. You were confused until you both looked up, seeing a fresh mistletoe hanging from the beams.
    Your mouth hung open, your eyes wide. You saw in the corner of your eye, his eyes wide and his hands clasped in front of him. You gulped and turned towards him, hearing your friends cheer behind you.
    "W-Well..it is a m-mistletoe..." Jack said quietly, a smile growing. Your smile grew too, and he slowly leaned down to you. You were nervous as hell as he placed a kiss gently on your cheek. You blazed with embarrassment as you smiled so hard it hurt. He gave you a hug and wished to see you again. As you walked away, you regretted not knowing his number.
    Alas, as you shoved your hands into your pockets, you felt something crinkle in your grasp. You pulled it out, a laugh slipping out your lips as you showed your friends a slip of paper..with his number on it.

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