I'll Fight for You

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(A/N: HELLO LOVELIES! This is another awesome requested imagine. Thank you for choosing me as your writer. Hope you enjoy lovelies! Thank you dancergirl336 )

~Mark's POV~

    We walked down the hallway, the sound of cranky teachers and tired students filled the air. I looked over at (Y/N), feeling a smile pressing against my lips. She looked over at me and caught my grin, returning hers back. I felt my heart flutter, but forced myself to remain cool.
   Spring Break was just around the corner, and I couldn't be more impatient. The thought of spending a whole three weeks with (Y/N), made me want to dance for joy. (Y/N) and I have been friends ever since Pre-School. We've been close for awhile now..but I only wished for us to be closer. As the years went on, my feelings for her continued to get bigger and bigger.
   She seemed to get more beautiful every year. I've been wanting to say something for a very long time now, but I always seem to be stopped. I wasn't the best when it came to expressing my feelings for her. I always kicked myself when my mouth never told what my mind was just dying to get out.
   (Y/N) sighed loudly, gripping her textbooks in her arms. I always found it cute when she scrunched up her nose before pushing her glasses up her nose with her finger. She yawned and bumped into me gently, giving me a wink. I felt my cheeks heat up as I cleared my throat and ran a hand through my fiery hair.
   "I can't wait for break, Mark! Just imagine the video games we can play!" She said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. I chuckled at her adorable expression, nodding at her. I couldn't wait to spend time with her. Being inches from her, our hands brushing occasionally while playing, getting to smell her wonderful vanilla scented perfume, seeing her plump lips. Before my mind could do any further, I willed the blush the go away.
   It was the last period of the day, a class where luckily I was with (Y/N). She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the classroom, the room full of bored teenagers. We sat at our usual desks, turning to each other so our knees touched. I enjoyed the feeling, and stared into her beautiful eyes. She grinned, reaching her hand up and ruffling my hair.
   She always teased me about the color, but I could tell she really liked it. She blushed a little and turned back to her seat when the bell rang. I couldn't concentrate throughout class, flickering glances to her occasionally. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I had no idea how. I didn't want this all the fail and ruin everything we've built up until now.
   She was just so beautiful and amazing..and I was just me. I would fight for her heart if I had to. Wow, that sounded so cheesy, I thought while cringing. While I was lost in my thoughts, I never even noticed that time has passed by. I didn't hear the bell ring, nor the kids run out the room, or even (Y/N)'s small hand shaking my should.
   "Hello!? Mark? Earth to Mark!? KING OF THE SQUIRRELS!" She yelled, making me jump in my seat. I smiled shyly at her and gathered my stuff before walking out with her. We weaved through the crowds of students before we parted ways to go to our lockers. I watched her walk away, seeing nothing more perfect than her. I turned my gaze to my locker before I started packing my stuff up.
   The school was quiet now, only a few people slowly shuffling out the door. I slung my backpack over my shoulder, fumbling with my black glasses. When I looked over, I saw (Y/N) talking to some guy. He leaned against her locker, smirking at her. He had swoopy brown hair and big, blue eyes. I noticed his blue football jersey on his chest. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and stepped away from him, heading my direction. I felt a pang of jealousy as he touched her hand.
    "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not so fast, baby. You know you want a kiss." He said, laughing a little as he stood in her way. I caught the glances of his other buddies, hiding down the hall. They laughed and high fived, watching the cruel joke unfold. (Y/N) blushed but scoffed and shook her head. She glared at him angrily, giving him a shove. He laughed in amusement, shoving her against the wall. She gasped, dropping her books to the floor.
   "Nobody says no to me, sweetie." My fists clenched at the sound of his nickname for her. She looked scared, but kept shoving his built body away from hers. I slammed my books down and started walking over to the two of them. I was always the quiet kid, the one who hated causing scenes. Now, seeing that Jock's hand holding her against the wall, made my blood boil.
   "Well, look at this! Your little boyfriend is coming to pr-" I cut his sentence off as my fist came flying to his jaw. The force made him spin around and crash to the floor. I held my hand, hissing in pain. I gripped (Y/N)'s hand, ignoring the shivers of pleasure as her fingers intertwined with mine. His friends started hollering at us as their footsteps echoed down the hall. The guy was on the floor, groaning and holding his face.
   "SHIT, TIME TO RUN!" I shouted, pulling her out the door. I winced against the bright sun as we both took off to the parking lot. I could hear their voices shouting at me as they got closer. My heart was pounding and I was tugging her along with me. I threw open my car door as she hopped in. I winced as my hand throbbed, slamming my door close and revving the engine to life.
   "Shit, shit, shit." I whispered, pulling out of the lot and hitting the pedal. We took off into the road, the guys standing in the rearview mirror. I took a deep breath, my eyes wide. (Y/N) burst out laughing and clapped her hands, looking out the window. We made it to my house, gravel flying and my heart ready to burst.
   "HOLY BALLS MARK! THAT WAS...THAT WAS...FUCKING AMAZING!" She shouted, making my jump. I looked over at her, seeing her smile light up her face. I gasped for breath, smiling along after her. NEVER have I done that..ever. I felt...bad ass. (Y/N) leaned over and hugged me tightly, thanking me over and over. I blushed and gladly hugged her back, feeling her warmth. She pulled away and kissed my cheek, blushing.
   Restraining my mouth from dropping, I suppressed the urge to start cheering. She smiled widely at me, inches away from me. I couldn't help but let my eyes slip down to her beautiful mouth. She examined my hand, frowning.
   "I never knew I was worth fighting for.." She mumbled, holding my hand gently. I desperately wanted to feel her lips against mine. So, taking matters into my own hand, well my good one, I turned her chin towards me, and leaned closer.
   "You're ALWAYS worth fighting for." With that, I finally gave in and kissed her. She froze for a second, but instantly started to kiss me back. I smiled into the kiss, and wanted to explode from happiness. She pulled away, resting her head against mine.
   "I've been waiting for that." We both whispered, her hair tickling my face. We both gasped and chuckled, sharing a few more kisses. She hugged me tightly, shaking her head.
   "Looks like I'll have to fight some more douche bags if I get rewards like this." I said, blushing. She bit her lip and smiled, pulling me close. I smelled her vanilla perfume and wanted her in my arms. My dream was finally coming true, after all these years.
   "Or..you can just ask?" My shock soon wore off as I felt her lovely lips eagerly pressed against mine.

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