Say Yes or No?

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! So people wanted me to do a Prom imagine with good ole Jackiboy. SO I SHALL FOR MY PEOPLE! Any hoo, this will be a 2 parter. The first one will be when he asks you, the second part will be at the Prom. ENJOY!)

"When is he going to ask you!?" You friend asked for the hundredth time, nudging you in the ribs. You shot her a look and bit into your slice of pizza. You shrugged, looking around the school. Students and teachers were eating lunch, chatting about the biggest event coming up this week.
You and Jack had been talking for awhile, but never had the guts to ask the sweetheart out. He was the guy of your dreams, and you couldn't step up to say more than "Hi." to him. Your friend had tried many attempts to convince you to ask him out, but to no avail.
"I swear if he does not ask you to this prom...I will drag his cute little booty over here and ask him for you." The look your friend gave you made you worried. Your friend was not the one who backed down from a challenge. You nodded, hitting her lightly in the shoulder. School went by like a breeze, since it was Friday.
You shut your locker, flinging the backpack over your shoulder. You plugged in your headphones and shoved on your beanie before walking out. You had seen Jack a couple times throughout the day, but he didn't seem like himself today. You walked along the park, smiling at the giddy children and prancing dogs.
You suddenly felt something hit your leg, making you gasp and jump. You turned around to see a familiar little husky dancing around your legs. It's bright blue eyes looked up at you, something in its mouth. You knew who's dog it was, it was Jack's. You were confused as to why it had a bright green ribbon tied around its neck.
"Come here Sam." You called out, ruffling its fur as it wagged its tail furiously. You looked up to hear a frantic Jack as he sprinted towards you. You stood up, giggling secretly at his crazy green hair. He picked the dog up with a scoop, smiling awkwardly at you. He rubbed the back of his head and waved.
"Sorry..(Y/N). I don't know how he got free." He said, turning red. You chuckled and looked at the sweet little dog. His teeth had clamped down onto a note. You looked back up at Jack and noticed he was sweating a little.
   "What does Sam have in his mouth?" You asked curiously. He sighed in defeat, coaxing the dog until he let go of the paper. He held it out to you until you took it from him.
   "Well..this was only supposed to be practice. It was until he saw you, then he took off. It was supposed to be special." He said quietly, letting you unravel the paper. You smoothed it out, seeing one question written on the paper. It had two boxes, "Yes or No?"  In big black letters it read, "Will You Go To Prom With Me?" Below it was hearts and Septic Sams scattered about.
   You look back up to see him looking at the ground, shifting and fidgeting nervously. You pulled a sharpie from your pocket and checked a box. You held it up with a smile, making him look up. His eyes centered on the answer, his whole face lighting up. He jumped up and down cheering, before stopping and clearing his throat. You walked up and pecked him on the cheek.
"I would love to go to prom with you, Jack."

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